Weather Jeopardy
InstrumentsPredictionsWater Cycle Cloud Types Big Picture
100 – Instruments An instrument to record the amount of rainfall in a given area.
100 - Predictions Liquid that falls from the sky when a cloud becomes saturated…
100 Water Cycle Large body of warm or cold air…
100 Cloud Types High feathery clouds that usually mean a change in weather is on the way…
100 Big Picture Layers of air around the Earth
200 Instruments An instrument for measuring temperature
200 Predictions Frozen rain
200 Water Cycle When water turns from a liquid to a gas during heating
200 Cloud Types Thick gray clouds that often bring rain
200 Big Picture The temperature at which tiny drops form when water vapor condenses
300 Instruments An instrument that measures air pressure
300 Predictions When water vapor forms ice on or near the Earth’s surface.
300 Water Cycle The movement of air from one place to another…
300 Cloud Types Puffy white clouds
300 Big Picture A craft that orbits the Earth and assists in weather forecasting…
400 - Instruments An instrument that measures wind speed
400 Predictions A giant swirling storm that brings rain and heavy winds
400 Water Cycle When ice turns directly into water vapor (a gas)
400 Cloud Types Tall cumulus clouds that bring thunderstorms
400 Big Picture When a cold air mass collides with a warm air mass creating rain…