A model for the development of work-based progression routes: an employer, FE College and University partnership Dr Alison Felce Sandra Perks
Skills Outlook “With manufacturing and certain low-skill tasks increasingly becoming automated, the need for routine cognitive and craft skills is declining, while the demand for information- processing and other high-level cognitive and interpersonal skills is growing.” (OECD Skills Outlook 2013 First results from the survey of adult skills - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2014) 25 Years
Current Situation “There are 677,800 people of working age living in the Black Country, of which 22% are qualified to NVQ Level 4+ compared to a national average of 34%. 16% of residents have no qualifications, considerably higher than the national rate of 10%.” (Prof Ian Oakes – Board Leader BCLEP)
The partners Employee / Learner
ZFL Vision ZFL plan to develop an in-house ‘Training Centre’ based on the successful Toyota model The Toyota centre provides “production and maintenance skills training to employees across all of Toyota’s European manufacturing operations” Manufacturing NewsManufacturing News, Source : The Manufacturer Published : 05 Apr :17
University of Wolverhampton Vision A model for working in partnership to develop accredited WBL provision Input from ZFL to inform curriculum design in relevant subject areas in University / College / UTC Access to case studies to use in, and to inform, taught curriculum developments Short and long term placements for full-time students Routes into NVQs / Apprenticeships / Higher Apprenticeships for University and College learners A robust case study for marketing and to inform future business opportunities
Planned Outcomes A mutually beneficial partnership in placeZFL / University visions achieved ZFL will have an empowered workforce able to plan their own career path and meet personal and organisational goals
ZF LemforderZF Lemforder Training Centre ConceptTraining Centre Concept ZF LemforderZF Lemforder Training Centre ConceptTraining Centre Concept Progression Route
What we have done: Steps to a successful skills lab Preliminary Communication Determine aims and objectives Communicate aims to employees to encourage engagement with the project Skills Mapping Observation Communication with all stakeholders Processes Determine skills training requirements Training Equipment and Material Design and produce practical exercises relevant to processes carried out Produce skills “Key Point” visual material to complement practical exercises Design self evaluation record sheets Recruit skills trainer Training Roll-out Carry out pilot study Training sessions to be carried out on a regular basis Gather course evaluation from trainees Training Evaluation Follow up trainee evaluations Supervisor feedback Company KPI’s eg Accidents, Absence, Quality, Defect Reporting Award Achievement to recognise success
Trainees using the fundamental skills training Centre. Interaction is strongly encouraged to promote the sharing of best practice. We have trained in excess of 220 employees to date. Skills Lab at ZF Lemforder UK Ltd
ObjectiveSpecific targetTarget delivery dateAchievement Training of all Darlaston employees in fundamental skills commencing with 132 production staff Transition from small parts to structural parts without compromise on safety, quality, cost and delivery. Commencement of training August 2013 To date 208 employees have completed fundamental skills training including 132 production staff Training of all Solihull employees in fundamental skills commencing with 36 production staff Supporting the customers schedules with 0 PPM and 0 line stops to JLR August 2014 Fundamental Skills Training in place to coincide with recruitment plan. Carry out further training for 11 potential setters on 3, 4 and 5 axis machining centres and assembly tables Autonomous machine setting by Production setters on new machinery with less reliance on Engineering support September 2014 completion All 11 candidates who commenced the training have achieved qualification with some successfully transitioning from assembly to machining processes. To maintain a talent pipeline into the business To recruit and develop 6 production apprentices and 6 maintenance apprentices Ongoing 12 apprentices recruited and progressing through the qualification route. ZFL have also been the recipient of the Walsall Works Large Apprenticeship Employer of the Year Award Implement leadership development for supervisors and junior managers Nurture future talent for succession planning through Chartered Management Institute (CMI) delivered by UoW September 2014 completion 9 CMI trainees awarded Level 5 Diploma qualification. Senior Management Leadership and Development Programme Lead and manage business change whilst maintaining employee engagement October Senior and middle managers currently undergoing a professional development programme Targets and Results
Capital Investment – Phase 1 Capital Investment for Phase 1 of the project consists of: £12K material cost for Darlaston Fundamental Skills training centre £5K material cost for Solihull Fundamental Skills training centre Salary costs for University of Wolverhampton graduate £19K NVQ Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations for potential machine setters £12.5K CMI Leadership Development Programme £12K Senior Management Leadership Programme
Achievements Graduate in post Darlaston Skills Lab Solihull Mezzanine Skills Area Positive evaluation TS16949 feedback Lab visits UoW Open Days NVQ in PEO CMI Leadership course – VIP Implementation Management development Apprenticeships Placements TQM Entry
Benefits Positive employee feedback Reduction in lost time accidents Improved employee perception of standard work Improvement in defect management Tangible examples of improved systematic visual inspection techniques Support for transition of skill flexibility Broader employee awareness of products and processes
Model for Collaboration
Concept Model Is it repeatable?A context-engaged approachConsultancy basis
Consultancy Engagement with organisation Key person to take ownership Establishing vision The medium / long-term goal Agreement of a two-year plan Internal promotion Empowering individuals Supporting deliveryContract Protecting IP etc
Summary Employers experiencing a skills shortage which is hampering economic recovery. Partnership formed to develop work based progression route into FE and HE. Enabled ZFL to achieve transition in production with an empowered workforce and to develop talent within the company. Valuable case study for the development of WBL and placements for students. Opportunity to implement the model across other industries. Further research into collaborative models and methods of delivery.
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