Ecosystems & Restoration Ecology Campbell & Reece Chapter 55
Ecosystems no matter what size; 2 processes occurring: energy flow chemical cycling
Conservation of Energy 1st Law of Thermodynamics: nrg can neither be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: every exchange of nrg increase the entropy of the universe lost nrg: heat
Conservation of Mass matter can neither be created or destroyed elements not significantly gained or lost on a global scale but can be gained or lost from a particular ecosystem in nature most gains & losses to ecosystems small compared to amt cycled but balance between inputs & outputs determines if given ecosystem is a source or a sink for a given element
Energy, Mass, & Trophic Levels trophic levels are based on their main source of nutrition & nrg Primary Producers ultimately support all other levels biosphere‘s main autotrophs: plants algae photosynthetic prokaryotes
Definitions Detritus: nonliving organic material Detritivores: decompsers
Global Energy Budget every day Earth’s atmosphere bombarded by ~ 10²² joules of solar radiation (or enough nrg to supply demands of Earth’s human population for ~25 yrs using 2009 levels) most incoming solar radiation is absorbed, scattered or reflected by clouds & dust in the atmosphere amt that actually reaches Earth’s surface limits the possible photosynthetic output of ecosystems
Gross & Net Production GPP: gross primary production = amt nrg from light (or chemicals in chemoautotrophic systems) converted to the chemical nrg of organic molecules per unit time NPP: net primary production = GPP – nrg used by primary producers for their own respiration (Ra) NPP = GPP – Ra NPP =/= total biomass of photosynthetic autotrophs present; NPP = amt new biomass added in given period of time
Primary Production amt of light nrg chemical nrg by autotrophs in an ecosystem during given time GPP: total nrg assimilated by an ecosystem in given time NPP: nrg accumulated in autotroph biomass,
Net Ecosystem Production total biomass accumulation of an ecosystem = GPP – total ecosystem respiration satellites used to study global patterns of primary production show ecosystems vary considerably tropical rainforest highest coral reefs & estuaries high but global total is low because only cover ~1/10th what rainforest do
Primary Production in Aquatic Ecosystems limited by light & available nutrients
Primary Production in Terrestrial Ecosystems globally limited by: temperature moisture locally limited by: a particular soil nutrient
Limiting Nutrient is the element that must be added for production to increase in marine ecosystems it is most often N or P
Secondary Production amt of chemical nrg in consumers’ food that is converted to their own new biomass during a given period of time vast majority of an ecosystem’s production is eventually consumed by detritivores
Energy partitioning w/in a Link of the Food-Chain
Production Efficiency efficiency with which food nrg is converted to biomass @ each link in a food chain another way: Production Efficiency is the % of nrg stored in assimilated food not used for respiration
10% Efficiency in Energy Transfers Production efficiency = Net secondary production x 100 Assimilation of primary production
Trophic Efficiency % of production transferred from 1 trophic level to the next ~ 5% – 20% with 10% being typical Pyramids of nrg & biomass reflect low trophic efficiency aquatic ecosystems can have inverted biomass pyramids: producers grow, reproduce & are consumed so quickly there is no time to develop a large population
Biogeochemical Cycles photosynthetic organisms essentially have unlimited supply of solar nrg but have limiting amts of chem elements atoms taken in by organism either assimilated or wastes organism dies: atoms replenish pool of inorganic nutrients used by other organisms this cycling of nutrients involving biotic & abiotic components called: biogeochemical cycles
Water Cycle: Biological Importance essential to all organisms availability influences rates of ecosystem processes especially 1° production & decomposition in terrestrial biomes
Water Cycle: Forms Available to Life most water used in its liquid phase seasonal freezing limits soil water’s availability to terrestrial organisms
Water Cycle: Reservoirs
Water Cycle: Key Processes main processes driving water cycle: evaporation of liquid water by solar radiation condensation of water vapor Precipitation Transpiration Runoff : surface or percolation groundwater
Carbon Cycle: Biological Importance C forms framework of organic molecules essential to all living organisms
Carbon Cycle: Forma Available to Life photosynthetic organisms utilize CO2 converting inorganic C organic C
Carbon Cycle: Reservoirs fossil fuels sediments of aquatic ecosystems soils plant & animal biomass atmosphere (CO2)
Carbon Cycle: Key Processes removing CO2 from atmosphere: photosynthesis returning CO2 to atmosphere: cellular respiration burning of fossil fuels & wood volcanic eruptions
Nitrogen Cycle: Biological Importance N part of a.a., proteins, & nucleic acids
Nitrogen: Forms Available to Life plants can assimilate 2 forms of N: ammonium: nitrate
Nitrogen: Forms Available to Life bacteria can use both these & nitrite, NO2-
Nitrogen: Forms Available to Life animals can only use organic forms of N
Nitrogen Cycle: Reservoirs main reservoir of N is the atmosphere (80% free N gas) others: soil sediments of rivers, lakes, oceans biomass
Nitrogen Cycle: Key Processes Nitrogen Fixation: N2 forms that can be used to synthesize organic N cpds natural methods: certain bacteria or lightening man activities: industrial production of fertilizers legume crops
Nitrogen Cycle: Key Processes Denitrification: certain bacteria in soil organic N N2 gas (reduction of N2 )
The Phosphorus Cycle
Phosphorus Cycle: Biological Importance P is major component of Nucleic Acids Phospholipids ATP
Phosphorus Cycle: Forms Available to Life plants absorb phosphate ion organic molecules
Phosphorus Cycle: Reservoirs sedimentary rock of marine origin is largest reservoir also in soil, dissolved in oceans & in biomass recycling of P tends to be localized in ecosystems
Phosphorus Cycle: Key Processes weathering of rocks gradually adds P to soil some taken up by plants food webs decomposition of biomass returns P to soil some runoff oceans almost no P in atmosphere
Decomposition Rates determine the proportion of a nutrient in a particular form is determined by same factors that limit primary production: temperature moisture nutrient availability
Decomposition in Rainforest is rapid relatively little organic material accumulates on floor ~ 75% of nutrients in ecosystem is in woody trunks of trees ….only ~10% is in the soil
Decomposition Rates temperate forests because decomp much slower up to 50% of all organic material in soil decomp slower when land is either too dry for decomposers to survive or too wet to supply them with enough O2 ecosystems wet & cold (peatlands) store large organic matter (decomposers grow poorly): primary production >>decomp
Decomposition Rates in Aquatic Ecosystems anaerobic muds: can take > 50 years algae & aquatic plants usually assimilate nutrients directly from the water so lake sediments act as nutrient “sink”
Restoration Ecology bioremediation : use of organisms to detoxify & restore polluted & degraded ecosystems biological augmentation: an approach to restoration ecology that uses organisms to add essential materials to a degraded ecosystem
Biological Augmentation