Resources for Researchers Ralph Nitkin, Ph.D. National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR) Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR) National Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Resources for Researchers Ralph Nitkin, Ph.D. National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR) Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Human Development (NICHD) National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Diversity Supplements to already-funded NIH grants To add qualified individuals at any level (high school through investigator) who: –are from under-represented minorities –come from disadvantaged backgrounds –have disabilities –re-entering research after family obligations Contact NIH program director of funded grant

NICHD use of the Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01) Clinical trained in targeted area* Clinical trained in targeted area* and have advanced degree (e.g., PhD) *NICHD is currently targeting: Medical Rehabilitation Population research Child abuse and neglect NICHD-specific info at:

NICHD uses K12 to support national network of career development Physiatrists (physical medicine and rehab) Phase 1: Mentored support outside of traditional PM&R departments Phase 2: Transition to junior faculty position Coming soon, K12s for: Allied Health researchers Rehabilitation engineers Neurological rehabilitation

NICHD use of Small Grants mechanisms: R03 and R21 Pilot studies (feasibility); innovative research; high-risk; new methodology or technology New investigators especially encouraged Budgets $100,000/$275,000, respectively, (direct costs) over two years Not renewable; may not to be used to supplement already-funded projects Not renewable; may not to be used to supplement already-funded projects

National Network of Medical Rehabilitation Research Infrastructure Cores Centralized research infrastructure for young faculty at the formative stage of their careers Six centers across the country State-of-the-art research facilities, mentorship, pilot grants, and other opportunities

Participating Centers Medical Rehab Research Infrastructure Program in Muscle University of Calif San Diego Richard Lieber, Ph.D. National Capital Area Rehabilitation Research Network Georgetown Univ and National Rehab Hospital Barbara Bregman, PT, PhD & Joseph Hidler,PhD Center for Experimental Neurorehab Training Univ of Pennsylvania and Univ of Calif LA Michael Selzer, MD, PhD & Bruce Dobkin, MD

Participating Centers Engineering for Neurological Rehabilitation Engineering for Neurological Rehabilitation Rehab Institute of Chicago, William Zev Rymer MD Ph.D Research Methods for Cognitive Rehab Moss Rehab Inst and Univ of Pennsylvania, John Whyte, MD, Ph.D. Integrated Molecular Core for Rehabilitation Medicine Childrens National Medical Ctr (Washington DC) Eric Hoffman, PhD & Susan Knoblach, PhD

Common resources across centers Research coresResearch cores State of the art workshops & symposiaState of the art workshops & symposia Pilot grantsPilot grants CollaborationsCollaborations Mentorship and grant writingMentorship and grant writing Mini-sabbaticals and visiting scholarsMini-sabbaticals and visiting scholars Consultation Service; on-line informationConsultation Service; on-line

NIH Roadmap Initiatives Supports trans-NIH activities and networking among disciplines Encourages translational research $329 million in FY2006 Major themes –New Pathways to Discovery –Research Teams of the Future –Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS):

Useful Websites NIH Home page, with links to all NIH Institutes: National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research [happens to be located within NICHD] (website includes listing of NCMRR funded grants) CRISP (searchable database of all NIH-funded grants ):

Useful Websites, continued NIH Guide (research initiatives, policy): (info across all federal grant programs): Center for Scientific review (NIH study section descriptions and rosters): NIH peer-review video (incl. mock study section): InsidetheNIHGrantReviewProcessVideo.htm

Useful Websites, continued Grant Writing Information (from the NCI): All About Grants (tutorials from the NIAID) : Annotated Grant Application & Summary Statement Model K08 Career-development application: