Allison Bizzoco
The following slides will introduce you to what “I Spy” books are and how to create your own. Each student was in charge of creating two pages for our class book.
Click on the “I Spy” book to explore the website and create your own “I Spy” page on the computer:
Look through a few different “I Spy” books. How many items do they ask you to look for? What is the theme on each page? Where were the items hidden? How were the riddles written? Write your answers on the worksheet that’s provided
Start thinking about creating your own “I Spy” page from scratch. 1.Make a list of some possible themes you could use for your page. 2.Choose one of those themes that you want to use for your first page. 3.Make a list of 8 items that you want your audience to find. 4.Write your riddle.
1.Create your background. 2.Gather your items. 3.Carefully place the items on the background. 4.Use the digital camera to take a photograph of your picture. 5.Type your riddle.
Check out our pages on the slides that follow. Can you find all the missing objects?
I spy two rings and a map; A pink silly band and a cap. I spy six cubes the same color and a tree; A white shape and a queen bee.
I spy a butterfly sticker, 2 purple erasers, A blue rubber band, and a tracer, I spy some paper clips, an eraser that’s pink, A finger, and a pen full of ink.
I spy a penny and 3 butterflies, An igloo and an eye. I spy a hanger and flippers that are fun, A dime and a number 1.
I spy 3 3’s, a die with a 1, A few candy gummies, and the letters for FUN; Some cheese, a big green 4, And a man peeking in the monster filled door.
I spy four Lego pieces and 9 pearly beads, 5 marbles and the word HOCKEY that you can read. I spy 2 blue tokens and a 4, A car lease and a yellow bird about to soar.
I spy a 4 trees, a lego that’s black, A spaceman, and a marble with a crack. I spy a 3 leaves the letter “C,” A pencil, and the word “the.”