Reagan, Bush, Clinton,200 Election
REAGAN Rise of the moral majority Beliefs of the moral majority Ronald Reagan Economic goals of Reagan Supply-side economics (Reaganomics) Growth of the national debt Assassination attempt Reagan’s foreign affairs Gorbachev Iran/Contra scandal Start of the global economy Equal Rights Amendment The Challenger
George H. W. Bush Election of 1988 The Gulf War Read my Lips Ross Perot Clarence Thomas Americans with Disabilities Act Panama
Bill Clinton NAFTA Clinton legislation National Healthcare Clinton scandals –Paula Jones –Monica Lewinsky –Whitewater –Impeachment trial Contract with America Oklahoma City Bombing Hilary Clinton Impeachable offenses Politics of the 1990’s
2000 Election and Misc. Gore Bush Nader Butterfly ballot Decision 2000 Growth of the computer era Terrorism –Al-Qaeda –Osama bin Laden –Islam –2 nd Iraqi War –Taliban –September 11 th