INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED TREATMENT OF COLON CANCER Improving treatment of colon cancer. What is essential? JUNE BERGEN, NORWAY Can the success of TME for rectal cancer be emulated by CME (complete mesocolic excision)? The University of Bergen, Dept. of Surgical Sciences, and Haraldsplass Deaconal Hospital, Department of Surgery, invite you to learn about the concept of radical colon cancer surgery and treatment from world class speakers. Organising committee: Professor dr. med. Karl Søndenaa Dr. med. Kari Erichsen The full course is registered for 16 hours. Fee: NOK 3200 (300 €) Practical information, registration form and hotel accommodation is available online at: Pre- and post-congressional tours will also be available. We are delighted to invite you to the beautiful World Heritage City of Bergen and look forward to seeing you in Bergen in June. Venue: VilVite – Bergen Science Centre Thormøhlensgate Bergen
PROGRAM - BERGEN JUNE , 2011 Improving treatment of colon cancer. What is essential? THURSDAY, JUNE 9 Moderators Torbjörn Holm and Karl Søndenaa 08.15Introduction. Karl Søndenaa 08.30Resectional approach for colon and rectosigmoid cancer based on anatomy and lymphatic spread. Werner Hohenberger 09.00The Japanese approach to colon cancer resections based on the vascular anatomy of the colon and rectosigmoid. Kenichi Sugihara 09.30Turnbull’s good results in view of today’s concept of mesocolon and the central tie. Defining the surgical approach. Feza Remzi 10.00Coffee break 10.30Differences between open and laparoscopic surgery? Kristian Storli 11.00When is the laparoscopic approach permissible? Kenichi Sugihara 11.30Discussion Lunch Moderators Arild Nesbakken and Werner Hohenberger 13.00Overview of the radical colon cancer surgery project in Bergen. Karl Søndenaa 13.30Background data from the Stockholm region colon project. Torbjørn Holm 13.45Recent experience with the Stockholm region colon project. Richard Bernhoff Discussion 14.30Coffee break Adequate treatment of rectosigmoid cancer. Heinz Becker Size of specimen with CME evaluation, lymph node numbers, LNR and other specific issues for the pathologist to decide. Nick West 16.00Are micrometastases crucial to staging and survival? Arne Færden 16.20–17.00 Discussion FRIDAY, June 10 Moderators Werner Hohenberger and Feza Remzi 08.30Should pulmonary CRC metastases be resected? Tom Treasure The treatment of hepatic, pulmonary and cerebral CRC metastases in Western Norway. Lessons for the colorectal surgeon. Arild Horn, Bjarte Hjelmeland and P-H Pedersen The need for adjuvant chemotherapy. Is it evidence based and when? Halfdan Sørbye Discussion Coffee break Treatment strategies for colon cancer at TNM stage IV. Gunnar Arbman HIPEC treatment of intra-abdominal recurrence. Stein G. Larsen Discussion 12.00–13.00 Lunch Moderators Torbjörn Holm and Karl Søndena Lessons learned past and present in Oslo. Ole Sjo Treatment of colon cancer in Northern Norway. Long distances - any significance for the patient and who should treat him? Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo Prognosis of colon cancer compared with rectal cancer. Where lies the difference. Bjørn Nedrebø Recent trends in colorectal cancer in Norway: incidence, management, and outcome. Arne Wibe Coffee break Morbidity and mortality after introduction of radical colon cancer surgery. Bjørg Furnes Panel debate: 14.45Why do some achieve better results? Is the surgeon, hospital or dedication crucial? Werner Hohenberger 15.00What can the Japanese experience teach others? Professor Kenichi Sugihara 15.15Current teaching in the US. Feza Remzi 15.30–16.00 Closing remarks and discussion