Fundraising POPCORN, WREATHS and… COFFEE (new!) Our Pack sales goal is $3000 Last year we made $5000! ScheduleDate Sales StartSaturday 9/22/12 Pick Up Show and Sell Popcorn (optional) TBD All Orders DUEFriday 10/21/12 Popcorn/Wreath/Coffee PickupSunday 11/18/12 (time TBD) Monday 11/19/12 (time TBD) All Money DUENovember 30th, 2012 Key Dates: Scouts who send their orders and Money by due dates get their PINEWOOD DERBY CARS FREE!! Fundraising Policy – We have one fundraiser a year. This money is used to help pay for fun activities and events for the boys, class B uniforms and giving back to the community. This past year, cub scouts purchased and mulched the Swallow’s butterfly garden and we are currently working with council to sponsor a pack in need in Milwaukee. 1.Scouts are required to sell $150 of product (popcorn, wreaths, coffee and any combination) ($150 is sales is about 10 containers of popcorn or 5-10 wreaths) 2.The Pack receives 36-40% of all sales 3.Don’t want to sell? Families can choose ‘opt-out fee’ of $50. 4.If the $150 sales is not met, we will ask for a pro-rated amount of the ‘opt-out fee’. (example: if you sell $75 of product that is 50% of the sales quota. Therefore, you would owe 50% of the opt-out fee which is $25. Pack 296 Incentive Program ** SCOUTS CAN EARN CASH ** Scouts will earn 25% of the profit from ALL sales over the initial $150 sales requirement in a Wal-Mart Gift Card!
Popcorn Wreath Wreath PATCH – earn your wreath patch by selling just 1 wreath item! Everybody Needs a Wreath for the Holiday! Coffee Coffee PATCH – earn your coffee patch by selling just 1 coffee item! Warm up for Winter with BerresBrothers Coffee! Sales Tools Available Check out our website: Sales script Scout Business Card Thank you card (with delivery) Popcorn Scout Flyer Practice scenario scripts Popcorn PATCH – Earn your popcorn patch by selling just 1 box of popcorn! Honor Military PATCH – Earn a national reward patch by selling $100 in Military Donations. PRIZES – They brought back the fun Prize Progam! Check it out! SHOW AND SELL POPCORN October 6 th PickNSave (VillageSquare) October 7 th PickNSave (VillageSquare) October 20 th Piggly Wiggly (Hartland) 1 ½ hour time slots with 2 scouts selling You will be getting a from to sign up. PICK UP your show and sell popcorn from Susie Buerger at: SELL ON-LINE! Easy to setup! friends/family Popcorn is SHIPPED to them! (Please only use on-line ordering for far away friends and family. The shipping cost is deducted from the Pack’s profit.) Fundraising Product Details Questions? I know I know, lots of detail. Call me if you have any questions! Susie Polentini Contact: Susie Buerger Mary Hill Circle, Hartland Wi. Contact: Erica/Mike Prevallet Prairie grass Ct. (Four Winds), Hartland, Wi Contact: Susie Polentini (It will be combined with your popcorn order!)