Grace Darling lived on an island beside the sea. She loved to hear and see the sea. On partners back make your hands go like a wave.
One night she was lying in bed there was a huge storm the thunder was crashing. On partners back zig zag with both hands.
The rain storm got worse. From the top of your partners head Wiggle your fingers down slowly and lightly then firmer and Faster – from top of head and down the back.
Grace looked out of the window and saw a boat. It was shipwrecked on Harkers Rocks On partners back pad your hands out. Flat hands across the back.
The people were falling overboard. Padding hands up the back like cats paws. 3 squeezes across the shoulders and slide hands down back
The survivors were clinging to the rocks. They looked like they were going to fall off. Slide hands down the head and shoulders and give a gentle squeeze on shoulders.
The lighthouse beacon was burning brightly in the distance. Arm outstretched palm up. Start at your middle finger and slide finger and thumb To elbow making the shape of a lighthouse gently. 3 times on each hand.
Grace rowed the people back to the shore and they were safe. Butterfly action for rowing.
Grace warmed them up beside the fire. They were safe at last. With flat hands rub arms and back start fast then slower then very slow and Stop hands flat in middle of the back.