START EXIT Professional Development Workshop Getting Along People Pleaser Bossy Bertha Social Butterfly Problem Solver
START EXIT Professional Development Workshop Getting Along with People Pleasers People Pleasers just want to make everyone else happy—but often at the expense of themselves! They may say things like, “Whatever you want is okay with me!” They don’t air opinions about things, but always ask for yours and smile even when upset. When dealing with People Pleasers, let them know that you are interested and it’ll make it easier for them to state what they really want.
EXIT QUESTION #1 Social Butterfly People Pleaser Bossy Bertha Getting Along …. Who I am? “I just want to make everyone happy!”
RETURN INCORRECT. Although both people pleasers and social butterflies are very happy people -- people pleasers smile when they’re upset.
RETURN CORRECT! People Pleasers just want to make everyone else happy—but often at the expense of themselves!
RETURN INCORRECT. People pleasers are patient people while Bossy Bertha people are very inpatient.
START EXIT Professional Development Workshop Getting Along with Bossy Bertha Bossy Bertha always has to be in charge of people and situations. They don’t trust others to do things right and their motto is “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” They are perfectionist and tend to be extremely organized. They can be impatient; yet, they hate delays and slackers. They are uncomfortable talking about their feelings or emotions. When dealing with a Bossy Bertha, let them know of their accomplishments and acknowledge their organizational skills. However, when disagreeing with a Bossy Bertha, argue with facts, not with feelings that’s the only argument you will win.
EXIT QUESTION #2 Social Butterfly Problem Solver Bossy Bertha Getting Along … Who I am? “I don’t trust you with project, so I’ll take of it myself.”
RETURN INCORRECT. Bossy Bertha people are highly organized in their personal and professional lives, while Social Butterfly people maintain their social calendar organized.
RETURN INCORRECT. Although Problem Solver people are highly intelligent, Bossy Bertha people think “If you want something done right, do it yourself.”
RETURN CORRECT! Bossy Bertha always has to be in charge of people and situations. They don’t trust others to do things right and their motto is “If you want something done right, do it yourself.”
START EXIT Professional Development Workshop Getting Along with Social Butterfly Social Butterfly people are very friendly, enthusiastic “party- animals” who like to be where the action is. They have a jam- packed social calendar and thrive on the admiration and compliments that come with being in the limelight. Social Butterfly individuals are eternal optimist with loads of charisma. They spend a lot of time and money on appearance and have loads of friends, but only a few close ones. When dealing with a Social Butterfly, let them know you are interested on their personal recognition. They are insecure and they need to know that you are at their corner no matter what.
EXIT QUESTION #3 Social Butterfly People Pleaser Problem Solver Getting Along … Who am I? “I had a wonderful time at the party, can’t wait for the next one!”
RETURN CORRECT! Social Butterflies are very friendly, enthusiastic “party-animals” who like to be where the action is. They have a jam- packed social calendar and thrives on the admiration and compliments that come with being in the limelight.
RETURN INCORRECT. People pleasers are happy when they make other people happy at their own expense while Social Butterfly people are friendly, energetic and they only think about themselves.
RETURN INCORRECT. Social Butterfly people thrive on admiration and compliments while Problem Solver people keep their emotions in check.
START EXIT Professional Development Workshop Getting Along with Problem Solver Problem Solver is highly intelligent and tends to focus more on details than the big picture. They lead with their head more than their heart; analytical and they always keep emotions in check. Problem Solver individuals are high achievers with high expectations of themselves and others, which can make them seem critical. They also hate changes. When dealing with a Problem Solver, let them know you have a Plan B when unexpected changes occur. They tend to get frustrated and inpatient when Plan A is not going well. Focus on time and details and don’t keep them waiting.
EXIT QUESTION #4 Bossy Bertha Problem Solver Social Butterfly Getting Along …. Who am I? “I should take the lead at this project, since I have most experience.”
RETURN INCORRECT. Problem Solver people are high achievers while Bossy Bertha people tend to be perfectionist.
RETURN CORRECT! Problem Solver is highly intelligent and tends to focus more on details than the big picture. They lead with their head more than their heart; analytical and they always keep emotions in check.
RETURN INCORRECT. Social Butterfly people solve their problems with a tall cold drink at a nearby pub during Happy Hour while Problem Solver people have a plan “B” when things come up unexpected.