Stretching Techniques Static/Passive Stretching Ballistic Stretching Active Stretching PNF Stretching
Calf Stretch Stretching Knee extended Knee flexed degrees
Hip Flexor Stretch Position Kneeling Forward leg –Foot in front of knee Back leg –Internally rotate hip –Greater stretch Shoulders over hips Abdominal muscles tight
Quadriceps Stretch Position Standing Emphasis – Knee behind hip – Foot away from buttocks –Tight abdominal muscles –Alternate technique: Use hand to hold foot or ankle
Quadriceps Stretch Stretching –Partner stabilize low back –Place Hip in flexion by elevating knee –Flex knee joint Hurdlers Stretch is dangerous for knee and back Doesn’t stretch quads very well. Does stretch sartorius
Keep abdominal muscles tight Bring your knee to your chest Slowly push out into hands while straightening knee (5 seconds) Hold straight (5 seconds) Slowly reverse motion until your knee is back on your chest (5 seconds) Hamstring Stretch
Gluteus Maximus Stretch Buttocks Stretch Single Knee to Chest Stretch Double Knee to Chest Stretch Motion –Flexion of hip
Gluteus Medius Stretch Cross leg position Using hand on same side Press knee away from you
Adductor Stretch Butterfly stretch –Good technique Athlete sits up straight Hold both ankles with hands Use elbows to press knees down –Bad technique Head pulled down towards feet Rounded back Grabbing feet
Piriformis Stretch
ITB Stretch
Low Back Stretch Flexion Stretches Double knee to chest Cat Back Stretch Variation –Cat/Camel Stretch
Low Back Rotational Stretches Rotate to side of bent leg Right leg bent - rotate right Left leg bent - rotate left
–Prone position Push up trunk until hips are unweighted Immediately return to start position Do not hang on extended spine with hips off ground Alternate position is push-up position pushing up from hands instead of elbows Press-ups
Side bend head Assist with hand Arm at side reaches down behind back Neck Stretches Scalene Stretch Side bend head Look into opposite armpit Use hand to assist stretch
Pectoralis Major Stretch
Wrist Flexor/Extensor Stretch