Spelling for Older Students SSo Lesson 2
Contents 1 Revise counting words in a sentence 2 Count sounds in a word 3 Revise sound s and letter recognition 4 Drag s to pictures that start with s sound 5 Build compound words from 2 smaller words – using graphics 6 Introduce a sound and letter a
Phonological Awareness and Phonics Make phonological awareness instruction explicit. Use concrete objects to assist with mental manipulation of sounds – use a marker while saying the phoneme and with students who know their letters use letters in manipulation tasks. Make phonological awareness instruction explicit. Use concrete objects to assist with mental manipulation of sounds – use a marker while saying the phoneme and with students who know their letters use letters in manipulation tasks. Show me the sounds in cat… Show me the sounds in cat… Show me the letters you hear in cat… cat
Switch to normal view. This lets you drag things around the screen.
Listen to this sentence Drag 1 circle off the pile for each word in the sentence. Put the circles in the box below. One circle to a box. 5 Drag the star to show the answer. 1 Supervisor reads the sentence for students to count the number of words. As one student works on the board others can use counters etc or work out the answer by clapping or tapping a pencil for each word.
Word Jigsaws = = = = See worksheet 2 for more examples
Use or Sound Boxes Use Elkonin or Sound Boxes Drag a sound button to a box for each sound in the word 3
Drag s to the pictures that start with s s s s ss ss s s s s 4
3 Sound Boxes Drag a sound button to a box for each sound in the word Drag the star to show the answer. 5
Drag a ring around the picture in each row that starts with s 6
What sound do all these pictures begin with? 7
Answer They all begin with a. Words:- anchor, antlers, antelope, add, alligator, apple, axe, antenna 8
Vowel or Consonant? All letters below to one of two groups vowel or consonant a = vowel
Vowel or Consonant? Drag the letters to the correct box. Vowel Consonant a s
Writing Drag a to the pictures that start with a aa a a aa a a a 9
Formation a A Trace on screen with your finger. a A
Trace the letters- say the sounds. sa sa sa as as as 11
Tricky Words – learn by sight Make up a sentence using these words. she me we be
Tricky Words – learn by sight Write these words 2x. she me we be
Answers P2 doorbell, cowboy, butterfly P 4 smile, scissors, skull, sleep, spade, snail, saw, strawberries, sneaker P6 snail, sleep, strawberries, snake, soap P9 antlers, axe, anchor, add, alligator, ant, antenna, antelope.