FIRE SAFETY Chemical Sciences Teaching Assistant Lab Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Training Program
Steve Mitchell Fire Prevention Officer Urbana Fire Rescue
Campus Fire Protection is a combined effort.. n UIUC Division of Environmental Health and Safety n Urbana Fire Rescue n Champaign Fire Department
Who to Call... EMERGENCY n 911 n Campus phone DEHS n Fire Safety Coordinator n Fire Extinguishers Urbana Fire Rescue n Campus Fire Prevention Office Champaign Fire Dept. n Fire Prevention
Still not sure who to call to answer your question... Call your area Safety Coordinator!
Services Provided n Emergency Response n Fire and Life Safety Inspections n Fire Safety Education n Fire Extinguisher Training n Consultations/Concern Follow up n Special Event Services
Fire Stories???
Why take fire safety classes? n 1 out of every 3 people in this room will have an experience with fire in their lifetime n Over 4,000 people die each year from fires, over 27,000 are injured n A small fire can grow very quickly n Education gives you the training needed to make good choices
Fire Prevention Concepts n Prevent Fires from Occurring n In case a fire does occur: é Make sure everyone can get out é Separate the Fire from the Occupants é Extinguish the fire as quickly as possible
Fire Growth n This video will show just how fast a fire can grow, how explosive a small fire can become, and how little time you have to react.
Planning ahead
Planning Ahead n Know your work area n Know where your exits are located n Know at least two ways out n Know the location of fire extinguishers n Know the location of fire alarm pull stations n Keep your work area safe n Have an escape plan!!
Prevent Fires
Fire Prevention n Work safely! n Electrical Safety: Frayed and cracked cords, overloaded plugs and circuits, extension cord use. n Do not block exits, fire extinguishers, fire alarms n Fire Extinguishers should be mounted n Keep combustibles from heat sources
Fire Prevention n Store chemicals and flammable liquids properly n Secure gas cylinders n Work safely with chemicals n Know your emergency procedures n Do not prop open fire doors!
In case of a fire, Ill...
n Notify occupants near the fire area. n Activate the fire alarm system. n Call, or have someone call 911(9+911). n Quickly decide if I can extinguish the fire. n If not, Get out, closing all doors between me and the fire. n Meet the Fire Department.
Emergency Medical Services
n 911 dispatcher will ask a few questions so proper response can be dispatched - Emergency Medical Dispatch n Response level determined n Response for minor injuries will be an Ambulance only. n Other injuries will respond both a Fire Unit and an Ambulance
PASS SYSTEM n P ull the safety pin n A im the nozzle or hose n S queeze or press the handle n S weep the agent across the base of the fire
Safety during hands-on training n Stay away from the pan unless involved in the extinguishing the fire. n Back away after putting out the fire. n If an accident occurs, and your clothes catch on fire:
n Stop n Drop (cover face with hands) n Roll