Tunnelsnakes Rule!
Story and Genre The game is about surviving waves of enemies for however long you can while gunning for a high score. You play the leader of a 1940s era gang, called the Tunnelsnakes, who is at war with another gang called the Snaketunnels who are ripping on their likeness. You take are with just your butterfly knife and go out to fight all of the Snaketunnels you can.
Mechanics You start out with just a butterfly knife inside an arena with oncoming waves of enemies. Each passing wave will become more difficult. Collect two more weapons to help you fight the Snaketunnels. Add a second player to help you with your fight against Snaketunnels. Grab power ups to make you have higher damage or to increase your health. Once your health reaches zero its game over. Your final score will be put on the scoreboard.
Characters Joel- The Leader of the Tunnelsnakes Peter- Joel’s right hand man in the Tunnelsnakes Snaketunnel Brawlers- the enemy that you will fight the most in the waves Snaketunnel Shooters- after a certain number of waves this raged fighters will join the brawlers. Snaketunnel Brutes- The boss like enemy that will come out to fight you every 10 waves. The Boss- leader of the Snaketunnels and is a boss every 25 levels.
Weapons Butterfly knife- main way of attacking that gives you room to swipe enemies before they can get in too close to clobber you. Tunnelsnake Pistol- a ranged weapon to make sure enemies can’t come close to you. You need to watch ammo though since it only restores through random drop from other gun users or every 5 waves. THE TUNNELSNAKE- a snake that you get once you hit wave 25. It hunts enemies down and helps on your fight against the Snaketunnels.
Power Ups and Drops Tunnelsnake energy drinks drop from all enemy types which restores health. Ammo drops only from gun wielding enemies. Tunnelsnake Beef Jerky gives a 10 second power up to all melee attacks. Tunnelsnake Smokes gives a bubble shield that gives you 10 seconds of invincibility. Tunnelsnake Gang Beatdown causes the wave to end from the mass butt whooping brought down by the Tunnelsnakes
Tunnelsnakes RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!