Bulletin Board Child Development 22
Planning 1. What message do you want to convey???? (Purpose) Spring; Diversity; Weather; Travelling; Recycling; Natural Environment; Life cycle of a butterfly, plant, chickens; Neighborhood; Physical activity; Nutrition; Music; Rain; Emotions………………… 1. How do you want to convey this message????? (Design) Put the topic in the middle and brain storm together using the webbing method. Decide together what and how you want to display it on the bulletin board.
Collaboration Make sure to listen to all the group members ideas by giving an opportunity for all to speak. This will be an opportunity for you to practice your own creative self by coming up with original ideas. Each one of you will have a talent and strength and make sure to utilize them. Our work gets lighter when all share the work equally. Let’s share in class your ideas so that I can give further input as well. Please draw a sketch before you start displaying your ideas and again show it to me first. Enjoy using your creative self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!