Core Values in Action: Ruby’s Guide to Success
April 8, 2015
Ruby’s Core Values Core Values in Action| April 8, 2015 …how we get there! Foster Happiness We delight in making others happy. Ruby puts the fun in professionalism, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Innovate If there is a better way to do something, we’ll find it. Our ideas come from everyone in the company, and if something’s not working for us, we’ll change on a dime. Create Community We are a team, and the goal of our sport is success – success for our clients, for our team members, and for everyone we interact with every day. Grow Whether we’re growing personally or professionally, we’re always up to the challenge. We aren’t afraid to make mistakes; we’re risk-takers at heart and each decision makes us wiser. Practice WOWism Nothing gives us a bigger kick than impressing our clients and team members. More than impressing, really – surprising, delighting, WOWing.
Fostering Happiness Company Provided Beverages Not-so-Casual Fridays Monthly Ruby-Hosted Happy Hours Catered Lunches Summer Party & Holiday Party Ruby Raves Secretary Appreciation Day Ruby Happiness Journals It’s worth it because we foster happiness! Core Values in Action| April 8, 2015
Innovate Start, Stop, Continue In-House Software Development Internal Podcast Paging Dr. Ruby Film-o-Vation Campaign Re-Vamp of the Training Process We lead through innovation! Core Values in Action| April 8, 2015
Create Community Culture Funds Summer Activities Chalkboard Wall Team Building Opportunities Butterfly Workshops Q1 Staff Meetings Employee Inspired Events and Clubs Philanthropies Art Walls We succeed through creating community! Core Values in Action| April 8, 2015
Grow Opportunities for Promotion Leadership Development Program Ruby Resource Library Ongoing Training and Additional Responsibilities Bimonthly One-on-Ones Free On-Site Fitness Classes Sabbatical Program We thrive through growth! Core Values in Action| April 8, 2015
Practice WOWism Milestone Celebrations Employee Birthday Celebrations Review Lunches New Ruby Brunches VIP Brunches WOW Gifts Note Cards VSnaps We make our mark by practicing WOWism! Core Values in Action| April 8, 2015