Green World Green Parson Street
Contents: 1. What we believe 2. Our Projects 3. Green stuff around our school Contents
What we believe We wanted to get a catchy phrase to explain to everybody what the green committee is all about especially when we are raising money or doing projects! On our first meeting, Maddie came up with a brilliant catchy phrase which we use all the time now! Green World, Green Parson Street!
Our Projects Train Station We (Lucy and Rebecca) have ed a lady about what we could improve on at our local station... Mrs Thomas gave us the idea! This is what we sent to her...
Dear Sarah Collins, Hello we are Lucy and Rebecca from Parson Street Primary School, we are in year 5. Also we’re in the green committee, Mrs Thomas told us to you about Parson Street railway station. We would like to ask you about some jobs that Parson Street children can do to help and look after our railway station. One job that some children could do is form a clean up club, so that we could tidy up all the litter. We are very good at cleaning up our school and so are the rest of the children at Parson Street. Another job that we are thinking is that maybe some children can do some planting, to make the station look a little more exciting and interesting! We could do some flower beds to make it more colourful. One last thing is that we would like to have new art work around the station because it would be a fantastic opportunity to show off our work. Thank you very much for reading our . We hope to hear from you soon, Lucy and Rebecca And she replied...
Dear Lucy and Rebecca, Thank you for your , I am so pleased to hear that you are interested in brightening up Parsons street station. Sarah Collins no longer works for Severnside Community Rail Partnership, however I have taken over some of Sarah’s work and my name is Heather Cullimore. I think your idea of a litter pick around the station is excellent, however railway stations can be very dangerous places so unfortunately I am unable to organise litter picking as a school activity. I will let my colleagues at First Great Western know that the station could do with some attention and I am sure the environmental cleaner will give the platforms an extra special tidy up. I would be really pleased if you could grow some plants for the station. If you like I could bring down some seeds from Eastside Roots, which is a Community Garden Centre at Stapleton Road station for you to start growing at school. You might be interested to know that I am friends with Paddington Bear, and if you think it would be a good idea I could ask Paddington to along with me when I bring the seeds to your school. School artwork always looks great at stations and I will see if I can have a poster case at Parsons Street station to display art from your school. Perhaps your teachers would be willing to change the art in the poster case each term? I would also be pleased to come to your school to talk about these ideas with you and your teachers. Please contact me on this address. Best wishes, Heather Cullimore
Heather came to our school at our last Green Committee meeting and we talked about what we could do to make our station better and we decided that they were going to make a display board for our artwork and they would give us some seedlings that we could grow ready to be planted at the station... SO WATCH THAT SPACE!
Hi, Thank you for your message. I really enjoyed visiting the Green Committee and was so impressed with the enthusiasm of all the members and look forward to progressing some of their fantastic ideas. Firstly, I would like to put a date in the diary to come back with Paddington and plant some seeds. I could do either Friday 25th May, 1st June or 15th June. I would like to invite the Bristol Evening Post and would be grateful of you could advise regarding consent to use photographs of pupils. By way of thanking the committee I would also like to organise an outing by rail from Parsons Street station to Bristol Zoo. Please could you suggest some suitable dates towards the end of the summer term? To fit in with reasonable connections from Bristol Temple Meads Station to Clifton Down I would suggest the following timetable: 09:36 Depart Parsons Street Station 10:20 Arrive Clifton Down Station 14:51 Depart Clifton Down Station 15:29 Arrive Parsons Street Station The train travel for the children will be sponsored by First Great Western, and I will contact the Zoo to discuss the possibility of complimentary tickets. I will also ask if Paddington Bear and Larry the Lemur (the Bristol Zoo Mascot) can walk the final part of the journey between Clifton Down and Bristol Zoo with the children. We can discuss finer details of the trip once we have a confirmed date. Kind regards, Heather This is our letter to go to the zoo for a trip! We cant wait!
Butterfly Garden If you want to see the action plan to this click on this wonderful picture Read through this and you would find out what our plan is!
Bird Houses We asked the DT club to make bird houses, that are now placed around the nature garden! Look out for them!
Our webpage on merlin! Click on the hat to find out all about merlin!
Signing up! Click on this flame and it will tell you about our challenge!!!!
Green stuff around our school This is the pond area and we planted some plants round there! These are tins with poems on about having a greener school and helping the widlife, also the enviroment!
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!!! By Lucy and Rebecca