1 DRIED APRICOTS Serkan ÇAKIR Product Inspector T.R. Ministry of Economy Regional Directorate of Western Anatolia Head Group of İzmir for Product Inspectors Tajikistan Khujand 2011
2 EXPLANATION OF TERMS Dried apricot: Dried apricot is dried version of fresh fruits in Prunus Armeniaca.
3 EXPLANATION OF TERMS Defected (rotting) dried apricot: Defected (rotting) dried apricot is a type of apricot that lost its special color, taste and smell.
4 Damaged dried apricot: It is a type bitten by insects and other pests and bruised visibly.
5 EXPLANATION OF TERMS Fermented dried apricot Fermented dried apricot is a type of dried apricot which changed its taste, smell and characteristic features totally with fermentation.
6 Mouldy dried apricot It is a type of dried apricot which has visible candida micelle.
7 Dried apricot with hail marks (Calluses etc.) This kind of apricot has steins high and low other than speckles and hardness.
8 Speckled Dried Apricot These dried apricots consist of Clasterosporium carpophyllum (candida) and have more than 15 dark spackles bigger than 1mm
9 EXPLANATION OF TERMS Cutted (Slabs) Dried Apricot These are the dried apricots 1/10 of which are cut and defected.
10 Foreign Substance Foreign substance is all the substance except the real substance in apricot. Natural dried apricot Natural dried apricots are dried with sulfur dioxide without any proceeding. Suppurated Dried Apricot Suppurated dried apricot is fruit dried with sulfur dioxide.
11 Dirty Apricot These are the apricots which have visible silt and dirt on surface. Crop Year Crop year is the date of products/crops’ reaping.
12 CLASSIFYING and FEATURES Dried apricot standard in Turkey doesn’t include leaf dried apricot, wild apricot and the apricots cut into more than two pieces, dipped into flour and honey and apricots with sesame and almond. CLASSIFYING and FEATURES *CLASSIFYING *Groups Dried apricots classified in two categories in terms of their supplying to market: -Natural dried apricot -Suppurated Dried Apricot
13 NaturalSulphured
14 CLASSIFYING and FEATURES *Types According to preparing techniques dried apricots are classified as -Whole unpitted -Whole pitted -Halves *Classes According to features natural and suppurated apricots are classified as: -Extra -1. class -2. class -Industrial
15 CLASSIFYING and FEATURES *Sizes Dried apricots are split into eight sizes from 1 to 8 in terms of count. *FEATURES *General Features Dried apricots should be tough and clear and also there shouldn’t be any foreign smell. (Sulfur smell is not accepted as a foreign smell.) Dried apricots should be away from all kinds of worms. Moisture content of dried apricot shouldn’t be more than 25%.
16 CLASSIFYING and FEATURES *Features of Groups Features of groups are given in article 0.2 and ratio of sulphur dioxide shouldn’t be more than 0,25%. *Features of Types Wholeness of fruit is so important for the unpitted dried apricots. If they are pitted, wholeness of the halves should be undamaged and there shouldn’t be any seed or seed pieces. *Features of Classes *Extra In this class there are high quality apricots which are harvested on drying mature, have nearly same color and have special smell and taste.
17 CLASSIFYING and FEATURES *1. Class In this class there are qualitative apricots which are harvested on drying mature, have special smell and taste. *2. Class In this class there are apricots which can not be listed in 1 or 2. Classes but have general features. *Industrial dried apricots In this class there are apricots which are too defected to be placed in other classes
18 Features of Size Dried apricots are split into sizes in terms of fruit numbers in a 1kg package Table1 – Size Features of Dried Apricots Fruit Numbers in a 1.kg package Size NumberWhole (unpitted)whole (pitted)Halves 1 to 80to 100to more than200more than220more than 440
19 TOLERANCES *Type Tolerance Total apricot percentage in other types which could be in each of the types shouldn’t be more than 1% in terms of sizes. (NOT NECESSARY IN INDUSTRIAL CLASS) Table2 – (Class tolerances of dried apricot) ClassesDefecte d max % Ferment ed MouldyHail marks Speckle d (1) Foreign Substan ce ** Cutted (Slabs) Damag ed Dirty Extra131330, Class241550, Class (2) , industrial * Not necessar y
20 TOLERANCES *Mixing tolerance of other classes’ apricots to this class is 20% in total. **Metal, glass and other substances are not allowed in this tolerance. Not (1): Ürgüp origin fruits have still more speckled tolerance. Not (2): Second class of natural dried apricots have still more speckled, defected, bruised, hail marks, dirty and foreign substance tolerances.
21 TOLERANCES *Size Tolerance In a 1000 g sample, mass of the 10 heaviest dried apricots can not be more than double of the mass of the lightest 10 dried apricots (size tolerance is not neccessary for 1st and 2nd class). *Mass Tolerance Allowed mass tolerance is (+)%4 for small consumer packages up to 500 g, (+)%2 for big packages including 1 kg and (+)%1 for packages bigger than 1 kg. For packages that are 1000 kg or smaller, missing mass tolerance cannot be more than %10 of the amount that is in the big packages. For those, missing mass tolerance should not exceed %5.
22 SAMPLING, INSPECTION and TESTS SAMPLING Dried apricots whose group, class, length, type, crop year, country of origin and package are same and inspected in one go are regarded as a lot. *Sampling from Big Packages In order to take samples of dried apricots (n) packages which are shown next to the amounts stated in Table 4 according to package units constituting the lot are reserved. The samples necessary for inspection and test are taken from these packages. The packages from which samples are taken must be chosen randomly from the lot and the systematic method below must be applied in accordance with TS 27561:
23 SAMPLING, INSPECTION and TESTS Unit packages constituting the lot are counted starting from one like 1, 2, 3 …. (N/n=r). If it is not a whole number (r), it is rounded up to a whole number and (r). package is taken as a sample. Counting and picking continues until the number of packages indicated in Table 4 is reached. Here; N: the number of packages in the lot n: the number of packages which are separated for sampling
24 Table 4: The number of packages separated from the lot for sampling From these separated packages, samples are taken from different parts of the package (bottom, centre, upper side) as shown in Table 5 and they are brought together and mixed properly and an aggregate sample is obtained. From this aggregate sample, 4 groups of samples weighing approximately 1000 gr each are taken. Inspection and tests are made with this representative sample Packages separated from the lot for sampling Number (N) Package number 8 – – –
25 Table 5: The Amounts of Samples Taken From Each of The Separated Packages The number of the packages in the lot (N) First sample at least, gr Aggregate sample at least, gr Representative sample (four groups) gr 8 – x 1000 = 4000
26 *Taking samples from small packages For taking dried apricot samples from small packages, the big packages these packages come in are separated as shown in Table 5. Samples are taken by regarding the number of small packages in the big packages as the party size (N) and in accordance to the amount shown next to them in Table 4. If the total amount of these small packages are not enough to build the four groups of 1000 g representative sample, the number of small packages separated as samples are increased to meet this amount. A mixed sample is formed by opening the separated packages and pooling together the dried apricots inside. 4 groups of 1000 g representative sample is separated from this mixed sample. Inspections and examinations are performed on these representative samples. SAMPLING, INSPECTION and TESTS
27 Example of Sample Identity Company Title: Lot number: Group: Class and Type: Size: Number of Package: Date of Check: Product Inspector: Name Surname SAMPLING, INSPECTION and TESTS
29 INSPECTIONS *Inspection of Package and package material Inspection of package and materials of the package are made by measuring and analyzing by hand and eye. The results are screened out in terms of Article *Package and *Labelleing. *Inspection of dried apricots Inspection of raisins is made by eye, hand, smelling, tasting, counting and measuring and then the results are screened out in terms of Article *Features and *Tolerances (if necessary tests are applied.) SAMPLING, INSPECTION and TESTS
30 PLACING ON THE MARKET *Package Dried apricots are placed on the market in new, clean, dry, scentless packages which don’t change the features of products. Small packages are placed in bigger packages protecting them during the delivery process. Packages of natural and sulphured apricots shouldn’t be more than 25kg. Industrial dried apricots can be placed in new plastic bags or sacks which are not more than 100kg. Labels of wooden packages should be nailed with at least two nails and wrapped with wires or plastic plasters and include appropriate cover for take protection of dried apricots. For written packages, written parts should be outside of the of package and shouldn’t be touch to products. Glues and inks shouldn’t be harmful
32 PLACING ON THE MARKET *Labelling The information below must be written or printed on the raisin package in a legible and indelible way. The business name and address of the firm or its short name or registered trademark Sign and number of this standard (like TS485) Lot number
35 PLACING ON THE MARKET Name of the product (dried apricot) Size number. ( not necessary for industrial ones.) Group Class (I. Class: Faney, II.class: Choice ) Type Net mass Country of origin Crop year When necessary these info can be written in foreign languages. Apart from these there can be different inscriptions and photos for advertisement but they must not be misleading. p.s. for small packages name of product and net mass are enough.
38 PLACING ON THE MARKET *Transportation and Preservation Packages with dried apricots should not be kept together with malodorous or pollutant products in repositories and vehicles. Packages should be kept in indoor, chilly and dry places. *Several Rules Water used for lavation of dried apricots must be clean and healthy. If dried apricot consists of more than 0,25 of sulphur dioxide, demand of buyer should be documented.