By Mairin Van den Bergh. In todays lesson I created my initial plan. I was able to use the website and the template provided to create it. I made sure.


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Presentation transcript:

By Mairin Van den Bergh

In todays lesson I created my initial plan. I was able to use the website and the template provided to create it. I made sure that the timings were realistic. To ensure that they were realistic I used the deadlines given to us by the school and added these into my initial plan. Planning- initial plan. My initial plan

We then had to create an on-going plan. This is to fill in and adapt as we go along in the project. The on-going plan must be kept up to date this is to ensure that all of the different parts of the project are completed on time, and if they aren’t then we are able to adapt it so that we can make up for lost time or times when we have over run or a certain piece of the project. Planning- On-going plan. This is the start of my on-going plan.

I had to create a sources table so that I can record the different places that I have collected information from for example pictures. This is important because I need to state which information is mine and which is taken from other sites. Sources table

Database: In todays lesson I created the wildcare database. First I entered the field names into the database. Next I entered the data type for each field name for example adoption costs were currency and weblink was hyperlink. The database I got the information about what to enter into the data base from the wildcare website

To check that my validation rues worked I typed in a letter which wasn’t on the list e.g. W to see if my database would allow me to enter any data. The validation rule is supposed to prevent this. When I tried to enter the wrong letter this came up, telling me that my validation rules worked and that only C, L, H or P could be entered into the database.

Some of the field names needed a specific data type this is when I used look up wizard. This allowed me to create a group for example status or threat. I then created a data entry form so that new records can be added. It includes drop down boxes so that the data can be entered easily. It also shows the wildcare charity logo to show that the site is official.

I also added buttons for easy use into the database for example: add record, find record, next record, previous record, delete record and save record.

I also needed to add a key so that people using my data entry form would be able to understand the codes for threat and status. I created the keys on powerpoint, then I printscreened them and saved them as an image. This allowed me to enter them as a picture into my data entry form. I made sure that the keys were of the same colour scheme as the rest of the data entry form.

I also made sure that I included a drop down box on group, status and threat to make it easier for the user when they try to add in more records in to the database.

This is the website which I got the information for the three extra records which I had to add into my database. All three records were found on this site.

I had to add three more records into the database the records that I chose to add were three different types of butterfly which can be found in South America, Mexico. I got the data for these three new entry's from I was able to enter the three new animals into the database through the data entry form. These are what my data entry forms looked like when I completed them.

Test buddy:” Overall I think do did a good database as I can see that you have done all the validations including the validation text. I also think your data entry form for Wildcare has all the required information but make sure you have shown and proved all your evidence in your project log.” Feedback:

I first downloaded the information for the cash forecast from the dida wildcare website. This enabled me to know what I had to put into the cash forecast. Membership Fees- Cash Forecast.

I then created a membership fees model table on the second sheet in excel. It does not yet have the costs in it but it will once the costs forecast is complete.

I then created the cash forecast table. I made sure that I had added in the appropriate headings and used different colours to show when there was incomes and outgoings into and from the charity. I got the suitable headings from the information provided by the DiDA WildCare website. The information (numbers) will be added into the table later on. This is the template for what the information will look like.

First I imported the number and cost into the membership fees model I did this by putting = in the cell then going onto the costs sheet and clicking on the number that I wanted imported. I did this for both number and cost and for each type of membership. Adding the data into the cash flow:

Cell formatting is changing the format of the cells for example I will have to change the cell format from number to currency. Doing this will mean that the spreadsheet easier to use because it will be easier to see the difference between the different data types. I will also mean that I will be able to control the amount of decimal points, which allows me to control how accurate the data will be. Cell formatting NumberCurrency

3D referencing will allow me to insert/ copy different cells from one spreadsheet to another spreadsheet easily. This is good because it saves time and will mean that if I were to change the data on my original spreadsheet, all of the other data would also change. This will mean that my spreadsheet will always be kept up to date. 3D referencing

I used 3D referencing to get information from one sheet and input that information onto another sheet. 3D referencing

In excel the use of formulas are very useful. When making the spreadsheets it the use of formulas saves times and will mean that all of those cells are connected. This will mean that if one of the values changes the other values in those cells. This will mean that my spreadsheet will be kept always up to date. Formulae

Absolute cell referencing is useful for when you want a cell reference to remain fixed and a specific cell. This means that when you copy a formula and paste it on to other cells, the cell references will not change. Absolute cell referencing

Goal seek is used gate certain results when you aren’t sure of the starting value. For example I was able to use it to make my total outgoings £0.00. but, this gave the spreadsheet unusual membership values so I’ve decided not to use it. Goal seek It showed me the exact amount needed to get me into surplus. However it was inconvenient because the values often weren’t whole/ round numbers.

IF statements can be used to see whether something is ‘true’ or ‘false’. In my spreadsheet I used an IF statement so I could see if the values meant that there was a surplus or deficit, by seeing if one of the values was bigger that the other values. IF statements

Conditional formatting will allow you to change the appearance of a cell, depending on certain conditions. In my spreadsheet I made a rule that mean that the colour of the cell depending on whether or not it was ‘surplus’ making the cell green or ‘deficit’ making the cell red. Conditional formatting

‘Show Formulas’


To test that my spreadsheet worked I used a calculator to make sure that all the formulas has worked and that the totals were correct. Testing the spreadsheet I added up the values in each row and came up with the totals in the blue column. This proved that the formulas worked.

Membership fees research

From my membership fees research I have learnt that most of the different animal conservation charities and adoption companies have different types of memberships. These different memberships are split up in different ways. For example some just had the one adoption pack that people could buy at that fixed price. Others had an adult membership, junior and a lifetime membership, I found that these were all different prices depending on which category you wanted. Another charity had split the memberships up into gold, silver and bronze. These were also different prices. I also found that one of the charities had split their membership up into small monthly payments that the person could choose the price that they wanted. I have found out that the most expensive membership per month was £45.00 and that the cheapest was the £3.00 monthly payment. This means that I will not go over £45.00 or under £3.00 when choosing my membership prices. Membership fees research

I tried out different values in my spreadsheet that would mean that I would not be in deficit. Trying out different values. I tried making my teens price £15.00 and my kids price £10.00 but when I tried them I was still in deficit. This meant that I had to make my prices even higher.

Trying out different values. I tried making my teens price £18.00 and my kids price £15.00 but I was still in deficit which meant I had to go higher still.

Trying out different values. As just changing the teen and kids prices didn’t bring me out of deficit I decided to change all of the prices as well. I made the platinum £35.00, gold £30.00, silver £25.00, teen £20.00 and kids £ This change brought me out of deficit and into surplus.

First I created queries, these allow me to search my data base for specific things, which will allow me to narrow down my search. I made three queries. Sample reports This allows me to ender different things that I want to search for in my database, for example the threat level.

My three queries were: … I searched for animals from Africa with a status level of red. I searched for animals from Asia …

I searched for animals under threat of predators. …

I then had to turn my three queries into reports. … This allowed to create reports out of my three queries, reports are helpful because they allow a person to easily see what animals that they can adopt and what threat they are under for example.

I was able to edit my three reports by: … This allowed me to add colours (which were the same as my colour scheme for the rest of my publications) pictures etc.

I had to make each of my finished reports into a PDF file. … When saving I had to make sure that I made sure that the PDF would be on one page and that my report fitted the A4 frame.

My three finished reports: … …

… …

Membership card research

For my membership card I made sure that I included space for the persons name, the renewal date and the membership type that they are on. I also included the Wild Care Trust contact details and an image of an endangered species. Membership card FrontBack

In my leaflet for my wildcare pack I made sure that I included the wildcare logo, a clear title and introduction to the wildcare scheme, information about the adoption scheme, details about some of the animals in my database reports, relevant photographs and a tear off adoption application form. At the back I also put the Wildcare contact details. I also made sure that I kept the colour scheme the same as the membership cards, in order to keep the identity of the company. leaflet

For my pack folder I included a logo, suitable title and image on the front cover. On the front inside cover I put a welcome message which thanks people for becoming members of the wIldcare charity. On the inside back cover I put a flap tells people what is in the folder and will allow the folders contents (reports, leaflet and membership card) to keep in place. On the back cover I put the Wildcare trusts contact details. I made sure that I kept the colours on the pack folder the same as the rest of my publications in order to keep the Wildcare trusts identity throughout. Pack folder Front cover Inside front cover Inside back cover Back cover

I needed to create a 5-slide presentation that introduced wildcare, gave general facts about endangered species, gave examples of threats to endangered species, information about wildcare teens and kids membership options, member ship fees and how to get involved. Presentation

I needed to include a master slide. The master slide allowed me to make all the sides uniform. It allowed me to make the slide template match the leaflet, membership card and the booklet. Presentation…

… I made all the slides blue and gave them the same header that I had on my other publications, I also included a logo so that it would show up on each slide. As they were put on the slide master they would show up on each slide when I clicked off the slide master.

On each of the five slides I had to have minimal information so that the audience wouldn’t have to read it. Instead I put bullet points of each slides and put the main information in the speaker notes. This enables the person who is giving the presentation to know what to say on each slide....

I made an e-port folio to show case all of my work throughout the project. E-Portfolio