8 th grade yoga unit
Miss Maltese Miss Stewart
Goals and Standards Psychomotor Assessment & Data Physical Activity Assessment & Data Cognitive Assessment & Data Affective Assessment & Data Trustworthiness Reflections Question and Answer
Psychomotor Performance of poses 1a and 1 Affective Cooperation 2a and 4 Cognitive Current knowledge of yoga 1b and 3
The skill we assessed was the students ability to follow four yoga cues when performing different poses. Checklist format Both teachers observed and recorded data during class Pre-test on day one of the unit Post-test on the final day
MovBands Measures movement in all directions Goal in the pre-test lesson: 100 Goal in the post-test lesson:
Cognitive quiz on the first day of the unit Facts and history Ten true or false questions Students learned more about yoga during the unit Gave the same quiz on the last day of the unit
Name ________________ Moves _________________ YOGA QUIZ Please answer true or false for questions one through ten. If the statement is true write T if the statement is false write F. Please write T or F next to the question number. 1.___ “Doga” is a type of yoga in which people use yoga to achieve harmony with their pets. 2.___ Daily yoga can help increase flexibility. 3.___ The original birth place of yoga is China. 4.___ Research has suggested that yoga improves social and occupational functioning in schizophrenic patients. 5.___ Yoga is defined as having 4 branches or limbs. 6.___ A number of studies have shown that yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety. 7.___ There are over 1,000 different schools of yoga including Hatha yoga. 8.___ Hot yoga refers to yoga exercise performed with many layers of clothes to increase blood circulation and sweat production. 9.___ Yoga if modified properly can be appropriate for any age. 10.___ Five million American practice yoga daily.
Taught components of cooperation by helping an assisting partner Students self reported using a four point Likert scale Asked students to share examples
Please indicate how well you thought your affective participation was in class today. Circle your response and write an example of how you helped your partner in class today. Strongly AgreeAgree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Student 2, “I helped partner when he was struggling with the pose” Student 5, “I took my shoes off when the teachers told me” Student 8, “I reminded my partner of the cues”
Validity: strong reliability/validity in the skill assessment. Limited reliability/validity in the affective assessment We eliminated teacher bias by having both teacher assess during the lesson
Expand the written test to include more questions about the actual poses Do CFUs (checks for understanding) for each of the poses Less stations to focus more on certain poses Increase number of poses the student knows by the end of the unit
Miss Maltese (845) cortland.edu Miss Stewart (585) cortland.edu