by providing quality, well-designed homes for everyone in your community. Create Change
Every person in a community deserves a place to call home.
Firefighters, Teachers, Paramedics and Nurses are a part of every Community.
And they make up your workforce If they live where they serve…your workforce and their families can participate in the day-to-day life of the community…and be there when you need them
You workforce supports the community Yet lower salaries prevent much of your workforce from living where they work. They want to spend less time travelling to and from work and more time at home with their families They typically transition from renting to home ownership Affordable rents allow for the dream of owning a home to become a reality
Housing for your workforce Our workforce cannot afford market rate rents Affordable workforce housing keeps those who serve close to where they live An inclusive community is a viable social and economic goal The issue can be met through strong city and community partnerships We proactively address and overcome NIMBY objections with facts We demonstrate that affordable workforce housing is good for residents, neighbors, communities, cities— the entire nation As a company we are committed to these goals and dedicated to achieving them We are “creating a blueprint for a better nation” one development at a time
1. Rental subsidies 2. Increased traffic 3. Unattractive housing 4. Increased crime rate 5. Overburdened schools/infrastructure 6. Transient residents 7. Lowers property values 8. No benefit to the community What are the obstacles to creating workforce housing? These 8 Myths.
There are no rental subsidies Strict applicant underwriting Income and employment verification Background checks We retain right of refusal for every resident Myth #1 Rental Subsidies
The national Personal Transportation Survey found that low income households make 40% fewer trips 1. Studies show that an average resident in a compact neighborhood will drive 20% to 30% less than residents in less populated neighborhoods 2. At densities of 8 units per acre and higher, neighborhoods begin to support bus and rail transit 3. Higher density development generates less traffic than low density development per unit and makes walking and public transit more feasible 4. Single-family detached homes average more daily car trips than apartment dwellers The Campaign for Affordable Housing – Busting the 5 Myths of Affordable Housing CD 2.&3 John Holtzclaw, Local Government Commission, included in the Campaign for Affordable Housing - Busting the 5 Myths of Affordable Housing 4. National Multi Housing Council – A Plan for Tomorrow CD 5. Institute of Traffic Engineers, Trip Generation, 6 th Edition. Vol. 1(Washington D.C.: Author. 1997). Myth #2 Increased Traffic
See for yourself. Myth #3 Affordable = Unattractive
There is no correlation between safe, decent affordable housing and crime 5. Failure to build affordable housing can lead to overcrowded, dilapidated properties, offering no alternatives for lower income families 6. Higher density developments can reduce crime by increasing pedestrian activity, fostering a 24 hour community and placing more “eyes on the street” at all times & 6. The Campaign for Affordable Housing – Busting the 5 Myths of Affordable Housing 7. National Multi Housing Council – A Plan for Tomorrow CD Myth #4 Increased Crime Rate
Single family neighborhoods have 2-3 times the number of school- aged children than apartment dwellers 8. Compact development means more efficient use of public services and infrastructure 9. Infrastructure costs per housing unit decline as density increases. 30 units per acre = $10,000 per unit. 4 units per acre = $90,000 per unit 10. Studies analyzing the infrastructure cost of urban sprawl estimate that $100 billion could be saved over 25 years by pursuing better planned, high density development , 9. & 10. The Campaign for Affordable Housing – Busting the 5 Myths of Affordable Housing 11. Mark Muro and Rob Puentes, Investing in a Better Future: A review of the Fiscal & Competitive Advantages of Smarter Growth Development Patterns. (Washington D.C. Brookings Institute on Urban & Metropolitan Policy, 2004) included in A Plan for a Better Tomorrow CD, NMHC Myth #5 Overburdened Schools/Infrastructure
Reasonable rents equal stable communities Attractive, secure properties equal long term residents Beautiful surroundings inspire residents to take pride in their living environment Myth #6 Transient Residents
Academic studies and market analysis both prove otherwise 12. There is no discernable difference in the appreciation rate of properties located near higher density development and those that are not. Some research shows that higher density development can increase property values The Campaign for Affordable Housing CD 13. National Multi Housing Council – A Plan for Tomorrow CD Myth #7 Lowers Property Values
Lowers adjacent property values Average annual appreciation for single family detached homes by proximity to multifamily housing 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0% Not near: Near: Multifamily Multifamily Low Rise High Rise 2.66% 2.90% 2.91% 2.79% Source: NAHB computations based on data in the American Housing Survey: 1997 and 1999 (Washington D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and 1999).
The reality is that affordable housing is a catalyst for economic growth. According to the NAHB, the construction of 1,000 multifamily homes generates 1,030 jobs in construction and related industries, approximately $33.5 million in wages and over $17.8 million in federal and local tax revenues and fees 14. When a low income family moves into an affordable rental unit, they are able to spend the savings they realize—approximately $2,500 per year—on other goods and services, which helps pumps more dollars into the local economy National Association of Home Builders, Housing: The Key to Economic Recovery. Document downloaded from NAHB website, on May 16, 15. Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., Final Report: Colorado Housing Trust Fund Impacts Study, September Myth #8 No Benefit to the Community
The True Benefits of Workforce Housing Appropriate housing for your workforce isn’t a burden, it’s a responsibility that brings incredible benefits: A more integrated community More money retained in the local community Less traffic on the roads A diverse and bonded neighborhood sharing common goals Everyone in America deserves a place to call home If we build housing to accommodate those with less income, we’re creating a legacy for future generations…we’re making a commitment to the future