Agenda Tuesday, March 25, :00-Noon Campus Center Ballroom Introductions Human Resources DRAFT Background Check policy Feedback on Department Hiring Policy for Benefitted Employees Contracts and Compliance DRAFT Records Management Policy—paper Administration & Finance Procard Reallocation Project Construction Impact Planning Budget and Financial Planning Position Management Multi-Year Revenue and Expense Drivers Next F&A Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 29, 10:00-noon Location – Campus Center Rm 3540 Finance and Administration Advisory Meeting
Human Resources HR
Background Check Policy Effective July 1st New Benefitted Positions-full and part time Non-benefitted—Jan, 2015 Student employees—future
Background Check Policy WHY? UMass Boston is committed to providing a safe and secure environment that is supported by qualified employees. Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy What is a standard background check? verification of education verification of previous employment verification of licensure reference checks criminal background check
Background Check Policy Statement regarding background checks in campus employment info, job postings, external ads, etc. Candidates must authorize background checks when accepting position. Otherwise will not be considered for employment.
Background Check Policy Cannot ask applicants to disclose any criminal or pending criminal charges. Background check will be performed by a company contracted with by the university.
Background Check Policy 3 STEPS 1. Candidate authorizes 2. Company commences background check 3. Notification: successful-HR -> candidate & Hiring Mgr. unsuccessful-company -> candidate with opportunity to appeal HR-> Hiring Mgr.
Background Check Policy Background Checks usually take 3-5 days, but could take 2 weeks. Hiring Managers may allow candidates to start employment before the background check is complete, however, they may decide to wait, depending on sensitivity of job, etc.
Background Check Policy Questions?? Comments to Sandra Knight in HR
Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Planning for the 3 month review We will invite departments that have submitted job descriptions and/or had positions posted for the review. Meeting will be Tuesday, April 8 th at 11am
Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Comments so far: Need an index for the policy It takes 3 months for a new hire—too long Clarify who completes the I-9 form Remove requisition # from recruitment form Search Committee on the recruitment form is delaying the position posting.
Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Need more info on diversity issues. Don’t have access to applicants’ diversity, so confused when told not enough diversity in pool. How do you handle external search firms Clarify that search committee only has to interview the first round of candidates, future rounds can be done by hiring manager and others the hiring manager requests.
Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Non-unit classified positions do not require a search committee Clarify CSU and PSU internal candidate process The Failed Search Form is on the ODI website Overlap in HR and ODI roles Vacancy Review Committee role is unclear
Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Would be helpful to have sample reference check questions What should be in the recruitment file? Why is office space request on the recruitment form? Are you comments missing?
Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Make sure we have your Questions, concerns, ideas, advice. Send to
Contracts and Compliance
Record Management DRAFT Policy Record Management, Retention, and Disposition Policy University Of Massachusetts Board Of Trustees’ Record Management, Retention and Disposition Policy (Doc. T99-061, as amended) and President’s Office Record Management Guidelines.
Record Management DRAFT Policy PAPER ONLY Other forms of records (electronic) will be addressed in future versions.
Record Management DRAFT Policy Purpose Manage and Reduce Paper Retention and Destruction Schedules Consistent Practices across Campus
Record Management DRAFT Policy Applicable to: All Records All employees
Record Management DRAFT Policy UMass Boston Record Administrator Record Review and Oversight Committee
Record Management DRAFT Policy Records are categorized UMass Boston Records Third Party Records Non-Records Legal Hold Records Confidential Records Records of Historic Value
Record Management DRAFT Policy Commonwealth of Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office Statewide Retention and Destruction Schedules Record Administrator will issue standard schedules for UMass Boston Records: fiscal, personnel, education
Record Management DRAFT Policy Categories in Statewide Retention Records Retention Schedule Legal and RegulatoryEnvironment and Energy Facilities,Trans.,Constr. Public Safety FiscalHealth and Human Services PersonnelRevenue and Taxation IT Education
Record Management DRAFT Policy Departments Categorize and classify their records Store and maintain records according to standard and approved schedules Dispose of records timely and securely Provide an annual report to the Record Administrator
Record Management DRAFT Policy Please review the draft policy Send Comments to Darryl Mayers Copy to Martha Kelly Records Management sub-committee Final Policy Next month Implementation will begin with departments moving to the ISC
Administration and Finance Procard Reallocation Project A & F
Administration & Finance Pro-Card Account Code Reallocation Goal for the campus - July 1, 2014 Project underway in A&F Department’s currently reallocating?
Administration & Finance Pro-Card Account Code Reallocation 25 Card Holders in A&F All cardholders now have access Expectation - all pro-card expenditures 100% account code reallocation. A&F Pro-card spending FY12 = $469k ($1k or.02% reallocated) FY13 = $403k ($106k or 26% reallocated) FY14 = Goal $100%
Administration & Finance Pro-Card Account Code Reallocation How do I sign up? Contact Eden Medaglia at or –Security access –Reallocation access –Training (course or job aid) Who can do reallocation? Cardholder, or Designee When to do it? Recommended weekly Must be done within 30 days from date of transaction. Benefits Manage budget more effectively.
Administration & Finance Pro-Card Account Code Reallocation Questions?
Construction Impact Planning
Construction and Transportation Update –Shuttle Service –External Clark Stairs Repair Spring break completed noisy chipping work Scheduled for completion late May prior to commencement –Healey Roof and Waterproofing Phase 1 spring masonry work underway Completion set for May –GAB No. 1 Topping Off Set for April 30 Sign the last steel beam –UCRR: Two-way Conversations Continue
Office of Budget & Financial Planning Budget & Planning Update
Financial management... Effectively allocating and managing resources to support the goals and priorities of the organization. People are our greatest resource, and our largest expense.
Position management is the continuous, dynamic management process to determine short- and long-term priorities what work needs to be done what skills and experience is needed how many people are needed how position descriptions are designed Position management informs the organizational structure and funding required to accomplish the functional assignments of the department and the area.
Managing chairs around a table
Changes in support of position mgmt - documented hiring process (AA) VCOBFP ODI HR - streamlined processing (CC) VC HR -e-PAF electronic workflow pilot in progress -new hiring process (CC) coming soon!
Summit position mgmt Real time reporting on both filled and vacant funded positions; it links payroll, budget and PeopleSoft Finance -Developed by UITS, UML, UMM -UMB partnership between HR and Budget & Planning -five UMB pilot departments -currently updating payroll system (new faculty, converting REQs, -reviewing position #s) -waiting for UML to go into production
Risk management... Identification (of the best and worst case scenarios) Assessment (probability of occurrence) Acceptance or mitigation (taking action or setting aside funds to cover loss) Vacancies... Identification $9.9 million and 129 (HCT) long-term vacancies over half vacant for over 12 months Assessment 2.5% of long-term vacancies filled at mid-year Acceptance or mitigation ?
FY Planning Fee setting Multi-year fcst Revenue Expense Cost of living, merit, fringe benefits New buildings Debt service Large contracts Gap in revenue to expense Closing out FY14
FY Planning Fee setting (almost) done! Multi-year fcst (almost) done!
Revenue/Expense Drivers FY15FY16FY17 Revenue Drivers UG (Enrollment Mgmt)2.5%2.4%2.3% Graduate (Graduate Studies)6.7%6.2%5.9% State (System Office) $9.0$4.5$4.5 million Expense Drivers System Office estimates cost of living/merit3.0%3.0%3.0% fringe benefit rate1.0pp3.0pp 1.0pp Campus master plan Debt service$2.0 million Facilities$2.1 million Depreciation$4.9 to 10.7 million (each yr)
Closing out FY14 fund payroll (both AA and CC) right size operating (non-payroll) budgets identify rollover (>$10,000, one-time, discrete purchases or projects) execute on remaining funds review org structure review base budgets