Project CARA: Update and Lessons Learned Rob Braddock: Research Manager Hampshire Constabulary.


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Presentation transcript:

Project CARA: Update and Lessons Learned Rob Braddock: Research Manager Hampshire Constabulary

A Brief Recap CARA is an RCT that is designed to test the hypothesis that DA offenders subject to offending workshops are less likely to commit further DA offences than those who do not receive this intervention Conditional Caution is used as a vehicle to implement scheme Eligible individuals randomly assigned to treatment or control group Commenced August 2012

Project Area: Western Hampshire

Eligibility Criteria Adult male No previous convictions or cautions for violence in the previous two years Relationship between parties: Present or past intimate partners only Eligible Offences: minor assaults categorised by law as common assault and battery, criminal damage, harassment, threatening behaviour, domestic theft related offences Admission and/or CPS agree overwhelming evidence is present Past minor convictions permitted unless offender is currently serving a community based sentence or order DASH risk assessment assesses risk to victim as standard or medium Victim contacted and identifies no specific risk for the conditional caution to be issued

Workshops Held every 5 weeks Two workshops – 4 weeks apart Not ‘treatment’ or ‘therapy’ Highlighting awareness of actions and signposting Facilitated by Hampton Trust

Workshops: Aims To understand the nature of physical violence and its purpose when used in intimate relationships To gain an understanding of the concept of emotional abuse and identify different types of abusive behaviours To recognise physical symptoms of anger and the feelings which lead to anger and then violence To understand the effects of domestic abuse on victims To increase understanding of children’s basic needs and to recognise the damaging effects of domestic abuse To establish personal time out strategies and safe conflict within an intimate relationship To identify future strategies for sustaining change To provide signposts to other relevant agencies/organisations (e.g. relate, alcoholics anonymous)

Where are we now? Assessed for eligibility (n=5562 ) Excluded  Not meeting inclusion criteria (n= 5307) Randomized as eligible (n=256 ) Allocated to Workshop (n= 125) - Misassigned (n= 12) Allocated to Control (n= 131) - Misassigned (n=13) Allocation Breached Non-reoffending Condition (n=10) Breach by non-compliance with workshops (n= 8) Breached Non-Reoffending condition (n= 10) Follow-Up Analysed (n= 89)  Excluded from analysis as still within 12 months from caution (n= 36) Analysed (n= 96)  Excluded from analysis as still within 12 months from caution (n= 35) Analysis

Early Findings: Reoffending Prevalence of DA arrest is reduced in the workshop group Frequency of DA reoffending is reduced in the workshop group Frequency of DA arrest is reduced in the workshop group

Feedback from offenders attending workshops 94% report that workshop has changed attitude to partner 95% report that workshop has prompted reflection of their own behaviour 91% report that workshop has assisted with issues within the relationship

Victim’s views 81.3% of victims involved in offences which resulted in workshop attendance reported that subsequent behaviour improved in comparison with the control sample (44.8%) 6.3% of victims reported worsening behaviour (workshop) vs. 24.1% (control)

Lessons Learned Engagement with partners is essential Organisational ‘buy-in’ and support Key individuals within the organisation must be identified and used A ‘dry-run’ is recommended Control of randomisation process essential Never expect throughput to be as anticipated!

Next Steps Possible expansion of project CARA workshops into other areas of Hampshire (non-experimental) Review of DA data collected as part of CARA to underpin new processes and interventions Full evaluation to take place Study into workshop dynamics & facilitation Assist with knowledge base surrounding out of court disposals & DA

Summary RCT’s are feasible in police organisations – as long as they are properly managed Not always a quick process, which can cause conflict within current police culture CARA has provided understanding of wider DA landscape which allows informed choices to be made Stakeholders (including HMIC) are supportive of this approach
