Lecture 1: Course information Communication Systems overview Aliazam Abbasfar
Outline Course Information and policies Course Syllabus Communication Systems review
Course Information Instructor : Aliazam Abbasfar Office Hours : Sat-Mon (by appointment) TA : Classes: Sat-Mon 14-15:30 pm list ?, webpage ? Grading: HWs 10% Midterm 30% Final 30% Project30% Prerequisites: Digital communication
Class policies No make-up exams (DON’T MISS EXAMS!) Midterm: TBD Final: Academic honesty HW and exams should be your OWN work Turn off your cell phones during lectures
Course Syllabus Communication systems overview Multicarrier communication Spread Spectrum communication Multiuser systems Multicarrier CDMA Ultra Wideband communication (UWB)
References John Cioffi’s book, Chapter 4 R. E. Ziemer, Fundamentals of Spread Spectrum Modulation M. K. Simon, J. K. Omura, R. A. Scholtz, and B. K. Levitt, The Spread Spectrum Handbook, McGraw Hill, K. Fazel and S. Kaiser, Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems, John Wiley, 2003 I. Oppermann, M. Hamalainen, J. Iinatti, UWB, Theory and Applications, John Wiley 2004
Performance of modulations Signal space analysis Basis functions Dimensions (parallel channels) 2 T W PAM/QAM/FSK Communications parameters Bits/ dimension : b Energy / dimension : E Probability of error : P e Single channel Matched filter bound SNR MBF = E r / n 2 = E r / (N 0 /2) Passband system Dual channels Complex model SNR = E r / 2 n 2 = E r / N 0 Error probability (P e ) PAM/QAM Nearest neighbor approximation General form
Capacity and Gap analysis One dimension channel with AWGN Capacity : c = ½ log 2 (1 + SNR) SNR = E / 2 Random coding, P e = 0 General systems b < c b = ½ log 2 (1 + SNR/) : gap for a given b and P e Constant gap for PAM/QAM = 8.8 dB for uncoded, P e = 1e-6 Coding reduces the gap Margin : excess SNR for a given b SNR allows b max (for a given ) The target is b not b max
Reading Cioffi Ch. 1,2