Business Opportunity
What is Dominion Digital? Dominion Digital is a customer acquisition company. Our compensation plan is designed to reward affiliates for acquiring customers who utilize our revenue generating products and services. The only way commissions are paid is when customers have been acquired who purchase our products and services. The affiliate’s compensation will be determined exclusively by his or her level of customer acquisition. The more customers an affiliate directly and indirectly has (with in the parameters of our compensation plan) the more potential sales are made and income there is to be earned. We believe in rewarding based on value added through the acquisition of customers who purchase products and services! This is our mission!
Products and Services Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Cuts cost of phone service by 50% or more 24 million customers by billion in revenue by 2009 New Digital Video and SoftPhone Prepaid Calling Worldwide Dominion Digital Service
Product & Services PrePaid No connection fees. You get Straight & True per minute rate No Expiry dates & No loss of prepaid minutes. - Pay-As-You-Go No contracts, No obligations and No monthly fees Try us today and experience the difference. We guaranty you Cheap & Honest International long distance rates.
Product & Services PostPaid Dominion Digital gives you exactly what you need to stay in touch with everyone you know - and keeps it simple with a flat, low monthly rate. From Washington DC to Lagos Nigeria, from Berlin to Brooklyn, from San Diego to Sydney, now you can call anywhere for less. That's the promise of Dominion Digital and the beauty of VoIP.
Product & Services Additional Services
Advertisers Pay Millions to Acquire Customers Television, Print, Radio, Internet, Etc. Customers We Pay You! Word of Mouth Marketing
Customers = Revenue One Time BonusUnlimited Monthly Residual
Sign UPOne Time Bonus Master Distributor$5,000 Agent$1,250 Affiliate$500 Sales Representative $25
LevelSales Rep25 Customers Per SR Generation Generation Generation Generation ,025 Generation ,075 Generation ,225 Generation 7 2,187 54,675 Generation 8 6, ,025 UNLIMITED $$$,$$$
Starting Positions Master Distributor $20,000 Agent $5,000Affiliate $2,000Sale Representative $300 Master Distributor Management Plat Form 40 DTA’s 5 Video Phones 5 GSM/WiFi Phones 30 PrePaid $20 Activation Code Virtual Money Card Website for 3 Months Agent Management Plat Form 10 DTA’s 1 Video Phone 1 GSM/WiFi Phones 10 PrePaid $20 Activation Code Virtual Money Card Website for 3 Months Affiliate Management Plat Form 2 DTA’s 1 Video Phone 3 PrePaid $20 Activation Code Virtual Money Card Website for 3 Months Sales Representative Management Plat Form 1 DTA 1 PrePaid $20 Activation Code Virtual Money Card Website for 3 Months
Partner Acquisition Bonus (PAB) POSITIONPAB Master Distributors35% Agents15% Affiliates10% Sales Representatives40%
COMMISSION VALUE POSTPAID POSITIONCV DISTRIBUTION Master DistributorAs per Usage Agent$ 3.00 Affiliate$ 2.00 Sales Representative$ 1.00
COMMISSION VALUE PREPAID POSITIONCV Master Distributors35% Agents15% Affiliates10% Sales Representatives40%
Example Prepaid Commission Value POSITION CV Master Distributor35% of $5 = $ 1.75 Agents15% of $5 = $ 0.75 Affiliates10% of $5 = $ 0.50 Sales Representatives40% of $5 = $ 2.00
BOUNTY BONUS POSITIONBOUNTY BONUS Master Distributor35% of $25 = $ 8.75 Agents15% of $25 = $ 3.75 Affiliates10% of $25 = $ 2.50 Sales Representatives40% of $25 = $10.00
Benefits of the Dominion Digital Opportunity JOBDOMINION DIGITAL 40 Year Plan5 Year Plan BossNo Boss No SecuritySecurity No Residual IncomeUnlimited Residual Income Not WillableWillable No Tax BenefitsTax Benefits Stop DreamingStart Living Your Dream!
Training and Support Personal Website Business Reporting Online Library and Conference Call Training Training & Marketing Materials Live Representative Support Services