„Nothing is easier than being busy and nothing more difficult than being effective” R. Alec Mackenzie Time-consuming complaint processes result in the low level of customer satisfaction. Costly returns of defective goods undermine cooperation and impede obtaining satisfactory sales results. Each defect detected in the supply chain takes time which could be devoted to the effective fulfillment of other projects. STOP!
When the Customer is the centre of attention! We present the e-Quality. The system which is the response to the challenges posed by Entrepreneurs. Web and mobile applications which pave the way to a new quality in handling complaints. The IT tool which increases the efficiency of supply chains and quality management at the stage of production, supply, delivery, and sales. The focus on improving the quality of Customer service and the quality of the product being sold
The right product, at the right time, of the right quality Manufacturer Business Customer Customer Better products at lower prices A wider and more interesting product range on the shelf Greater product availability to many Customers E-Quality makes it possible to achieve higher sales results. It is possible due to the close communication taking place in real time between the Manufacturer, the Business Client and the End Customer. As a result, each party receives in the right, fixed time a product which is free from defects, and has the parameters which meet the established quality criteria.
Low quality costs! Performance Quality Lower costs care for high efficiency of production and supply the implementation of ambitious quality objectives The lack of ERP system to support the complaint processes and to detect product defects early is a high operating cost at a later stage of the supply chain. After all the achieved sales results largely depend on the performance and efficiency of the work of Manufacturers and Suppliers. Let's see how quality management system can help to reduce the so-called "poor quality costs"?
"Poor quality costs" and quality management system Let's take a closer look at an example of a Polish Company which produces upholstery fabrics for a Swedish furniture company. After using quality management system for two years the Company was able to reduce the "poor quality costs" from 6 to 1 percent. It's still not a very satisfactory result. How to improve this situation? Time (1/4)
How to define appropriate actions? What tools to use? How to collect qualitative data? At the beginning, we need to define the source of the problem. Think about the way you collect qualitative data. Do you use the right tools? Do you take appropriate actions aimed at sales targets? See how inefficient a supply chain based on the traditional tools for data exchange is. How to define appropriate actions?
Low efficiency of the supply chain / The Manufacturer Distribution Center Factories The first stage of the supply chain is the transportation of goods from the Manufacturer to the distribution center or directly to selected stores.
Low efficiency of the supply chain / The Manufacturer 30 minutes to create a paper protocol! Assigning human resources to reporting! High time and operation costs! Distribution Center Factories In the event of a defect of the product detected on the unloading ramp at the destination point, the Employee is required to create a protocol describing the incident. Such action will take about 30 minutes. This is the best proof that it is necessary to automate the complaint procedures from the very first stages of the supply chain.
Low efficiency of the supply chain / Suppliers Distribution Center Shop Factories 30 minutes to create a paper protocol! Assigning human resources to reporting! High time and operation costs! The second stage of the supply chain is the transportation of goods to the destination points, e.g. retail chains. This is a critical step, extremely important for the elimination of "poor quality costs" at Manufacturers and Business Customers.
Low efficiency of the supply chain / Suppliers Distribution Center Factories Shop Cash desk 30 minutes to create a paper protocol! Assigning human resources to reporting! High time and operation costs! Low productivity of notifications! Possible image loss! If damaged goods are not removed from the chain, they will come on the market, which will generate unnecessary operating costs and the cost of image loss.
Low efficiency of the supply chain / Customer Service Centre Distribution Center Shop Cash desk Factories 30 minutes to create a paper protocol! Assigning human resources to reporting! High time and operation costs! Low productivity of notifications! Possible image loss! Not all product defects are detected at the stage of delivery to the distribution center. Part of the goods is transported directly from the factories to the shops.
Low efficiency of the supply chain / Customer Service Centre Distribution Center Shop Cash desk Factories 30 minutes to create a paper protocol! Assigning human resources to reporting! High time and operation costs! Low productivity of notifications! Possible image loss! The falling rate of customer experience indicator! There is always a risk that defective goods will appear on the shelf, where it will be purchased by the End Customer.
Low efficiency of the supply chain / Customer Service Centre The observation of the market data shows that more than 90 percent of consumers make complaints directly at the place of purchase. All claims are accepted, and also often dealt with by the Customer Service Department. With limited time to process the complaint, an Employee collects information from the customer, communicates the solution to the complaint and records the data in the system. These are time-consuming and stressful procedures for each party, which may decrease the quality of service and affect the image of the Company.
The participants of the supply chain Logistics Operator Factory Supplier Business Customer Employee Customer Gathering data from all participants of the supply chain and including them in one coherent report could take weeks. It's too long to be able to draw constructive conclusions and make meaningful adaptation changes. As a result, the quality of activities undertaken decreases, which in the long run may have an impact on the competitiveness of a given Company.
Increasing of the satisfaction TIME FOR A CHANGE! Increasing of the satisfaction Time for a change! A change which will make it possible to shorten the processes taking place in the supply chain and to increase the Customer satisfaction. Shortening of the processes
e-Quality – quality management in: pre-production and production processes the supply chain of services and products after-sales Customer support e-Quality is a set of web and mobile applications, which allow you to manage quality in the supply chain of products and services. It gives the possibility to report information about defective goods detected at various stages of the supply chain. This increases the quality of service of pre-production and production processes, delivery to distribution centers and retail outlets, as well as after-sales service.
Showroom, Shop and Exposition Workers Supporting procedures for managing complaints made by many participants of the supply chain: Logistics employees Warehousemen Helpline workers The e-Quality system supports the effectiveness of handling complaint processes occurring in the supply chain. It enables you to control the quality at every stage due to the feedback loop, which is made available to each participant of the process. This procedure allows you to respond quickly when it detects a defect and to reduce the risk of a defective product appearing on the market. This means a higher rate of customer experience and lower costs for handling complaints. Ramp workers Showroom, Shop and Exposition Workers Customers
Supporting procedures for managing complaints / transportation and warehouse Warehouseman Ramp Worker The Driver E-Quality mobile application available to Ramp Worker and warehouseman makes it possible to report detected product defects efficiently. It allows you to reduce the number of mistakes in the documentation of received and issued goods. With this application you can record all the defects using multimedia files. Receiving transport is confirmed by a signature on the screen of the mobile device. All the changes entered on a mobile device are visible in real time.
Supporting procedures for managing complaints / Showroom Store employee Customer service centre employee Store employees are provided with e-Quality web and mobile applications. In the case of spotting defective goods on the shelf all an employee has to do is to start the mobile application and scan the PQR of the product. For a better illustration of the incident, the employee may also prepare multimedia recordings – a voice memo, pictures, or a video. After completing the procedure the Notification is automatically addressed – thanks to the information flow matrix – to employees in appropriate departments (e.g. recovery department), using the e-Quality web application.
Supporting procedures for managing complaints / Recovery Department Shop employee Recovery Department Employee Using the mobile application an employee directs the notification of damaged goods to the appropriate department – for example Recovery Department. Here the employees of the Department use the web application to accept the product complaint. With e-Quality they can keep records of Notifications in real time. They can also make quick decisions in order to recover the maximum number of complaints made by Customers or defective goods detected by the employees.
Supporting procedures for managing complaints / Customer Service Department Customer Service Centre Employee Recovery Department Employee Using the web application the Customer Service employee accepts the Customer complaint and qualifies the type of damage and the reason for the return. If an independent decision is possible, the employee accepts the product complaint. All the information can be seen in the application for Recovery Department employees. They can verify the competence of employees and the accuracy of their decisions. The complaints, for which more complex procedures are required, also reach the Recovery Department.
Supporting procedures for managing complaints / Customer Recovery Department Employee Using the mobile or web-based application the End Client makes a complaint along with the multimedia depicting the detected defects. The Notification is transferred online to the Recovery Department, which takes further complaint decisions. Such procedure shortens response time and reduces the costs of the complaint. The Client makes a complaint without leaving home, and keeps track of its progress.
The e-Quality provides: The knowledge flow within the Organization, within the Company and between the Company and its Partners Customer Satisfaction Employee Motivation The e-Quality system means better sales results of the Company and lower operating costs. It is knowledge which can be used to define changes in the processes aimed at improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing profits. Customer Service costs The response time of the Company Time of handling complaints
What do you gain? Before After The old-fashioned customer service and complaint processes Long time needed to create paper protocols The delegation of human resources for reporting The high operating costs and the falling rat of customer experience After Modern web and mobile applications Keeping records of Notifications in the online system and abandoning paper document flow The distribution of decision-making on a number of entities and verification of employees’ work Better and cheaper handling of complaint processes The possibility of making complaints in a 24/7 mode and a better customer experience indicator All the information provided in the e-Quality allows you to define appropriate actions. It allows you to take effective steps to resolve existing problems quickly. An entrepreneur can implement measures to prevent similar situations in the future.
QUALITY, AVAILABILITY, LOWER COSTS! e-Quality is a tool which not only facilitates contacts with the participants in the supply chains, but primarily changes the approach to the whole process. The flow of information works more effectively thanks to the access to real-time data. The system reduces operating costs and increases the competitiveness of the Enterprise. This is all thanks to applications which allow you to offer better quality, availability and lower prices.
About the Manufacturer – QSG Group Designers of creative IT solutions Experienced quality managers and skilled programmers Extensive department of software quality maintenance, Project Management Office Competencies to create own products, dedicated solutions and software on demand, cross-platform web and mobile applications The creator of the e-Quality system is the QSG Group. The company specializes in designing and implementing creative IT solutions. It has the competencies to create own products, dedicated solutions and software on demand. It offers cross-platform web and mobile applications. QSG Group Team consists of qualified IT specialists, quality and project management managers. The aim of the Company is to create IT solutions which automate work and eliminate ineffective processes for the sake of full computerization.
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