R EDESIGN OF G ENERAL P SYCHOLOGY Getting Started on Course Redesign NOVA, 10/21/11 Dr. Megan E. Bradley, Professor of Frostburg State University
Psyc150: General Psychology Course characteristics Annual enrollment: About 900 Mostly traditional students and 1 st year students Required course for Psychology Majors and 5 other majors Academic Issues Course drift & inefficiency Financial difficulties at University level F ROSTBURG S TATE U NIVERSITY
Primary Team (who were also tech savvy): Coordinator FT Faculty member who did not teach PSYC 150 at FSU 1 FT faculty member Regularly taught PSYC Adjunct instructor Instructional Designer & regularly taught PSYC 150 Administration: Dean Associate Provost Publisher: Worth C OURSE R EDESIGN T EAM
Chose Replacement Model Pilot semester Comparison: 2 traditional sections (N=42) 2 redesign sections (N=99) ULAs worked with Redesign Instructors via Independent Study Full Implementation Tripled capacity (N = 150) Began ULA course 2 nd semester: Began Netbook Lab W HAT W E D ID
P ILOT C OMPARISONS N compared to prior # ADMIT GPA*FSU GPA* Traditional16% smaller Redesign100% larger *Significantly different; p =.005 (eta 2 =.027), p =.000 (eta 2 =.075)
Course drift eliminated Standard course, syllabus, schedule, grading, etc. R ESULTS
I MPACT ON S TUDENT L EARNING Success in the course
P ILOT R ESULTS : 50 Q UESTION C OMMON C OMPREHENSIVE F INAL E XAM * Mean Test Scores *A one-way ANOVA of section on final exam percentage grades was significant, F = , p =.000, eta 2 =.090. Also significant with GPA as covariate: F = , p =.000, eta 2 =.11. *Instructors blind to exam content
P ILOT R ESULTS : 50 Q UESTION C OMMON C OMPREHENSIVE F INAL E XAM SectionAdmit GPAFSU GPAMean % on Final Exam Section 1 Traditional % Section 2 Traditional % Section 3 Redesign % Section 4 Redesign %
P ILOT R ESULTS : 50 Q UESTION C OMMON C OMPREHENSIVE F INAL E XAM Final exam scores positively correlated with average scores on Mastery Quizzes r =.523, p =.000
Comprehensive final exam too much 3 unit exams Reduced overall coverage Deadline Disorder 5 different activities reduced to the 3 types that helped students 2 weeks to complete Students not ready for blended design Required computer lab 1x/wk P ILOT R EDESIGN I SSUES & I MPLEMENTATION S OLUTIONS
F ULL I MPLEMENTATION R ESULTS : 43 C OMMON Q UESTIONS (3 EXAMS )* *A one-way ANOVA of section (3 total) on common question percentage was significant, F = , p =.000, eta 2 =.825. Mean Test Scores *Instructors blind to exam content
F ULL I MPLEMENTATION R ESULTS : P RE VS. P OST P REJUDICE E SSAY Mode Pre-Essay = 0 or 1 Post-Essay = 0,1, 2, 3, 4 *A one-way repeated measures ANOVA on essay grades was significant, F = , p =.000, eta2 =.420. Mean Test Scores
Previous average: 12.5% 18% prior to pilot Pilot Semester Traditional sections: 4% Redesign sections: 22% Full Implementation - Fall 12.8% DWF R ATE
Field Experience course for top students Leadership in Psychology Certificate Program Supplemental Instructor (SI) Receive additional training based on national SI program Interning as a ULA Research experience included ULA B ENEFITS
Future opportunities Commencement Speaker Spring 2010 & Fall 2010 speakers were ULAs Graduate School Teaching or Research Assistantship Prestigious Internships Most recent: Sloop Institute for Excellence in Leadership ULA B ENEFITS
I MPACT ON C OST S AVINGS Formula rating Departmental implication
NCAT formula: $89 to $26 Departmental implication: 1 FT faculty position Biggest cost effectiveness: Tripling capacity in class Staffing C OST S AVINGS
Use of savings Realized: Communication Response System Implementation (clickers) Netbook lab Yearly support for Tamarin Colony Support for Coordinator Payment to lab assistants, SI, intern C OST S AVINGS