Module 3 Differentiating Student Responses to Instruction
Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning 6. The Key Concepts 3. Last Section: Engaging Students 1.Current Module: Differentiated Instruction 4. Next Module: Opportunities for Students with Disabilities 5. Big question: How do we provide choices and different ways of learning core content 2. Is about: 2. Is about: 7. Self-test questions 1.How is differentiated instruction different from “watered-down” curricula 2.Name several ways that students can approach core content using Tomlinson’s “Think-Tac-Toe 3.What are the two key criteria for developing cooperative learning projects 4.Why is it important to work in mixed-ability groups? 5.Describe the steps in the “Jigsaw” approach to cooperative learning 8. Unit Schedule 1.Discussion of the importance of differentiated instruction for mixed-ability classrooms 2.Presentation of the “Think Tac Toe” model 3.Discussion of the importance of cooperative learning 4.Presentation of the “Jigsaw” model 5.Group exercise in developing a cooperative learning project Graphic Organizer for CTE in Mixed-Ability Classrooms-Module 3 Learning Styles Cognitive Approaches
3.A. Differentiated Assignments
Differentiated Assignments Improves students response to instruction by: Making it more relevant to student learning goals Allowing students to approach learning in their own way Assignments may be differentiated to promote: Different ways of thinking about a concept Different ways of approaching or implementing a concept
Think Tac Toe Developed by Carol Tomlinson (2001) who is a recognized expert in differentiated instruction Is designed to be aligned with key concepts and standards Has been applied in a number of ways including cognitive and learning styles approaches
Think Tac Toe method of differentiating learning expression Kinesthetic Whole body games, movement activities, making models, following instructions to make something, setting up experiments Knowledge list, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label, collect, examine, quote, name, who, when, where Auditory interviewing, debating participating on a panel giving oral reports participating in oral discussions of written material Comprehension Summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, discuss, extend Core Content information is presented in sequential steps, lessons are structured and teacher-directed goals are clear requirements are spelled out Synthesis combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite Visual computer graphics maps, graphs, charts, cartoons, posters, diagrams, graphic organizers, text with a lot of pictures Evaluation assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare Tactile Drawing, playing board games, making dioramas, making models, following instructions to make something
3.B. Cooperative Learning Strategies
Cooperative Learning Strategies Two criteria Each member’s effort is required and indispensable to the group Each member has a unique contribution to make to the joint effort “Jigsaw approach” a popular method See
Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Students are assigned to groups (home) that consist of students with diverse learning styles or needs Each student is given a different portion of the group’s assignment based on their learning needs Each student then goes to an “expert” group that focuses on one aspect of the assignment (e.g., visual, auditory, or other learning approach) Expert groups discuss how the assignment can be addressed using their expertise (or learning style) The experts return to their groups (home) to share their approach
Jigsaw Assignment for Hazard Analysis Kinesthetic Develop a demonstration on proper hand washing techniques Knowledge Define and explain each component of hazard analysis listed under the three key concept areas Auditory Discuss hazard analysis and identify frequently asked questions Comprehension Provide a two paragraph summarization of hazard analysis and why it is important Home Group Assignment Develop a presentation and manual that addresses the key concepts in hazard analysis Synthesis Develop a list of rules regarding hazard analysis that could be easily understood by employees Visual Explore the web to find videos and pictures that can be used in the presentation and manual Evaluation Develop a hazard analysis checklist that can be used to evaluate how well employees are implementing it Tactile Obtain examples of chemicals that might be used in the kitchen
GROUP EXERCISE FOR MODULE 3 Break back into your groups of 4-6 Plan to develop a Safety Presentation that includes A visual presentation A written presentation A demonstration An oral presentation Send at least one home group member to the “expert group” tables marked, “visual, written, demonstration, and oral ” Return to your home group and develop a brief description of how your group will address each of the above areas in your presentation.