Kingston Partners for a Safe Community Safety Group 2012 Fall CORE & SGAP Meeting Carmela Coffa Safety Groups Program
Fall 2012 Agenda Rebate Formula and Group Results 2.Review of Step 4 & Step 5 Evaluation and Acknowledge Success and Make Improvements 4.Review of Maintenance of Previous Year’s elements 5.Year End Reporting Requirements CORE and SGAP firms 2012 Safety Groups Program
up to 4% 6%. Max. up to 1% = + Performance GROUP REBATE For improvements to LTI frequency rate For improvements to severity rate + For successful program implementation Frequency & Severity improvement must exceed preset performance threshold. Achievement score is subject to a performance improvement threshold of 0.5/2 or rebate reduced by half. Performance calculated by comparing the two most recent years with two prior years. An employer with a traumatic fatality in the program year will be disqualified from the Safety Group rebate. *Based on Group premiums paid 2011 Rebate Formula up to 1% 5.72 % 3.96 Improvement 20.26% =1% 13.70%=1%
KPSC 2011 Rebate Results 42 Firms participated in total rebate of $ 138, ! Congratulations ….Well Done
Step 4 - Evaluate Two Part Documented Process to determine if Standard is working & achieving the desired result 1. Checking to see if what is done in the workplace meets the current company standards and expectations. Compare workplace compliance to company standards by documented : observations interviews inspections job site audits surveys quizzes third party assessment 2. Compare standard/programs to SG Program requirements, law level and your own company requirements to ensure they are up to date. Documented evidence may include minutes of JHSC ( listing standards reviewed, decisions made, actions assigned etc ) management review and analysis third party assessments etc. Review 16 and 17 of SG Employer Guidelines for more information
Step 5 - Acknowledge Success and Make Improvements Based on results of your Evaluation: Make Improvements = Develop an action plan to assign changes/updating of programs and follow for completion And recognize everyone who contributed to successful accident prevention activities by meeting and surpassing company standards – performance evaluations, letter/memo from president, health & safety awards, public recognition - i.e. coffee & donuts for JHSC and/or employees, staff meeting, banquet, newsletter article, bulletin board display
Maintenance of Previous SG Elements 7 Annual Standards Review – date and sign review process Suggest to circulate policies & procedures for comments from front line and supervisor staff, or assign to JHSC to add to agenda to review and include in JHSC minutes Revisit communication Include in a tool box talk, staff meeting, newsletter, new postings Train new, transferred or returning staff as required Include in orientation Review training requirements that expire and ensure up to date Annual evaluation of elements – are standards being followed, up to date and are being complied with ? Get senior management & JHSC involved Employee questionnaire or quiz Include elements in workplace inspection or company audit Documentation for each step is required * All 5 Steps above must be completed by December 31 st of calendar year (no carry over of steps 4 and 5 to March 30 th of next year. See page 54 of 4 th Edition Employer Safety Group Guidelines
CORE Year-End Program Requirements Complete and ensure Sr Management sign Year-end Achievement Report & Maintenance Report(s). Send to sponsor by due date – have verification documentation available Complete/update your Workplace Assessment 10% of Safety Group participants will be selected for Validation Audit in spring If selected, sponsor will notify you prior to wsib makes direct contact to select date. At time of audit, ensure all documentation for each step (and all training records) are available at time of audit.
SGAP Year-End Program Requirements to sponsor SGAP Year-end Achievement Report completed with Sr Management signature In addition to the Year End Achivement Report, provide a copy of the following: 1.Standard for HSMS 2.Internal Auditor Training Record 3.Completed HSMS with Sr Management signature 4.Continual Improvement Plan signed by Sr Management 5.RTW-Results of Work Reintegration Policy Review