Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Frameworks: What we know... What is visual learning? –Graphical way of working with ideas and presenting information (Inspiration, 2009) –Often associated with “graphic organizers” –Includes graphics to assist the learner’s ability to understand complex information. Illustrations Photographs diagrams graphs
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Frameworks: What we know... What learning theories associate with visual learning? –Cognitive learning theories Dual coding theory Learners code information in verbal and nonverbal formats. Schema theory Schemas (networks of information) exists in memory. Schemas make up prior knowledge. Cognitive load theory Limit to information that can be processed at one time.
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Frameworks: What we know... Is there research that supports the use of VL tools? –Advancement of Research in Education (2003) Identified 29 studies concluded that visual learning tools improves student performance in Literacy development (vocabulary skills, writing skills and reading comprehension. Critical thinking Higher order thinking skills Retention and recall Problem-solving Organization
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Basics: Ways to Use How can teachers and students use VL tools? –Diagrams Concept maps: to show relationships Idea maps: to brainstorm ideas Storyboards: to plan multimedia projects Webs: to analyze –Literacy webs: analyze books –Character webs: analyze characters in a story –Comparison webs: analyze similarities and differences –Outlines Plan speeches, papers
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Basics: Concept Maps What is the function of a concept map? –Developed by Novack in the early 1980’s –Hierarchical diagram showing relationships between concepts –Begins with general and goes to specific
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Basics: Software Options What software options are available? –InspirationInspiration Used with students in grades 6-12 Download 30 day trial –KidspirationKidspiration Used with students in grades K-5 Download 30 day trial –WebspirationWebspiration Public Beta version Web-based and free with account –GliffyGliffy Web-based and free with account Chart-making tool
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Adapting for Special Learners How would I adapt for special learners? –Special learners have problems with text Comprehension Vocabulary development Abstract reasoning –Visual learning strategies assist struggling learners. Assist with structure and organization
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams Voice in the Classroom Visual Learning Software in the Curriculum Kevin Thomas, PhD Content Specialty: English Former (15 years) High School Teacher in TN. In this Voice, Kevin Thomas, now a teacher educator at Bellarmine University, explains the insights in teaching and learning he gained from integrating visual learning software into his language arts curriculum. Kevin shares both the opportunities and challenges presented by this type of technology integration.
Section III: Using Visual Learning Tools to Enhance Learning | Chapter 8: Digital Diagrams For more information Go to the textbook companion website: Or