UCD Research Strategy 1.Global Ireland 2.Health and Healthcare Delivery 3.Information, Computation & Communications 4.Earth Sciences, Energy & Environment –Earth systems, inc atmosphere and climate change, geosystems and water resources –Energy research, inc renewable, clean, secure and sustainable energy, power systems, building technology and economics –Biosystems, bioresources, biocomplexity, food, global change biology –Urban systems, inc the built environment, transport and GIS –Environment and energy innovation, including policy development.
Expertise – University College Dublin GPEP (Geography, Planning & Envir Policy) -Zorica Nedovic-Budic (planner/geog). GIS in planning, context sensitive planning, spatial data infrastructures. -Eoin O’Neill, Craig Bullock, Fin Brereton: environmental economics and planning - climate impacts and floods, quality of life & envir, biodiversity, transport, recreation. -Enda Murphy: mapping environmental acoustics, transportation, e.g. commuting -Jonathan Turner (geographer): flood modelling, fluvial geomorphology -Gerald Mills (geographer): atmospheric climate processes, urban micro-climate -Tine Ningal (geographer): urban trees - health and environmental performance. -Louise Dunne (economist) environmental psychology
GPEP school links UCD Urban Institute: –GIS and urban climate facility UCD Earth Sciences Institute –Climate research including: Modelling extreme events and risks Complex and Adaptive Systems Laboratory (CASP) CLARITY (Barry Smyth): recording of sensory info to develop tools to monitor environment, impact of exercise Climate and ecosystems including adaptability, emissions.
Overlaps with socio-economics or environmental economics Extreme environmental conditions, e.g. storm surges, flooding, pollution. –Public and policy response / adaptation Understanding environmental data, e.g. weather, water quality, noise, wind farms, crowding, congestion. –Relationship with perceptions & human welfare –Usually investigated through focus groups, etc –Testing relationship between questionnaires / lab results and VGI Links for revealed preference –Links between environmental variables and behaviour inc distance travelled, on-site activity. –Richer data for travel cost studies by which estimate economic values / WTP Links to environmental policy –Monitoring efficiency of policy, e.g. land use change, REDD, emissions, catchment management
Interest in Call VGI and spatial data Environmental monitoring Environmental perceptions and behaviour Adaptation and extreme events