Useful Ways to do Small Group Teaching Manoj, Sarah, Rachel, Pri
Setting the Scene Relaxed and friendly environment Arrange visual aids A friendly greeting A cup of tea/coffee + cake Ground rules
Being student centered The students are the ones –Who know what they have done already –What they are doing next – What the gaps in their knowledge are Teacher and the students together plan future objectives
Assessing prior knowledge By assessment of recollection Build new knowledge
Getting students to participate Actively involve with the learning –Devise situations in which students can actively discuss what they have learned and test that they understand new concepts This keeps students interested Useful techniques include –Questioning –Brainstorming –Interaction –Role-play
Asking questions and dealing with answers Simplest way of getting students to interact with a teacher A closed question –Either the student knows the answer or they don’t Open questions –Permit a more discursive response and invite the student to think their way through a problem
Checking understanding To monitor the student progress Helps manage the pace of the session
Using visual aids Picture tells a thousand words Books, CD ROMs, flip charts and overhead projectors Interactive white board Patient simulation Procedural simulation Audience response system Vodcasts, Podcasts, Blogs, Wikis Screen based simulation Handouts at the end of a session
Setting homework Lifelong learning Learning objectives Learning strategy
Summarizing and closing a session Reinforce the most important points of the lesson It can be done in several ways –Teacher led –Student led
Reflective practice and introspection Helps develop a teaching philosophy to identify your personal approaches, objectives, and priorities. Facilitates personal growth as a teacher and encourages you to incorporate new ideas regarding teaching.
Feedback From students Self (reflection) From other teachers or colleagues Via video playback
Mobile technologies The use of modern technology in education is not a passing trend but a powerful tool to supplement traditional teaching methods.
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