Roman Superstitions Out of numina and Etruscan nightmares Lamia – boogeywoman ate children Lemures – Etruscan ghosts of the dead Werewolves - verspilles
Bad Omens Stumbling on threshold leaving domus or crossing with left (sinister) foot Mentioning fire at a banquet Cock crow during party Black cat entering domus Snakes falling from roof into yard Anything unnatural (e.g. deformed births/sweating statues) Odd number at a party and all fall silent Bearded woman
Time Specific – e.g. marriage on specific days Place Specific – e.g. cutting hair or nails at sea or food falling from hand to floor at banquet Climate Specific – e.g. lightening flashes Means of Averting Evil: whistle at lightening, charms & spells (e.g. bulla), burning fallen food to household gods, lick finger and pass behind ear to free of bad thoughts
Big Leagues Witches – Vergil says they can draw the moon from the sky Carmina – spells, usually love or vengence Protection from spells: wolf’s head or wolf’s beard nailed to door
Curses - Defixio Dedication of enemy to gods of underworld Curse scratched onto lead tablet and nailed to tomb, well, cave, etc. Defixiones found as far as Africa, Britain, and Germany, as well as in Italy SOCIAL SAFETY VALVE
Religious matters Augury – especially birds & other omens ‘sacred chickens’ with army Hepatoscopy – Extispicy – organs of sacrificial victims, especially liver