Being the Body
What makes a good act of worship?
What would an absolutely brilliant act of all-age worship be like?
What makes it so difficult to achieve?
We like to worship in different ways
We like to worship in different ways theology culture
We like to worship in different ways theology culture personality type
We like to worship in different ways theology culture personality type preferred learning style
Learning styles…. AUDITORY
Learning styles…. VISUAL
Learning styles…. KINAESTHETIC
“ Anglican worship assumes that a human body is made up of just two buttocks and two ears.” Peter Craig-Wild
Structure, Movement and Flow Words / Text Multi- sensory Participation
Structure, Movement and Flow Where are we in the worship? Worship takes us on a journey –Gathering / preparing –Hearing the word –Action / responding –Sending
Sending Out
Words / Text Worship is not words But the right words matter Core texts Official words / our own words
Being the Body