National Forest Projects West Virginia GIS Conference June 7 – 10, 2010 Huntington, WV Marshall University West Virginia GIS Conference June 7 – 10, 2010 Huntington, WV Marshall University Sam Lammie – GIS Program Manager Monongahela National Forest Regional/Partnerships
National – Monongahela NF The mission of the Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests, not just the national forests. Restoring and Sustaining Forest Landscapes Protecting and Enhancing Water Resources and Watershed Health Making Landscapes More Resilient to Climate Change Responsibly Budgeting for Wildfire Creating Jobs and Sustainable Communities
Climate Change – Monongahela NF DRAFT FS Climate Change strategic framework has seven goals: 1.Science 2.Adaption 3.Mitigation 4.Policy 5.Sustainable Operations 6.Education 7.Alliances Mitigation & Emissions Management - Develop baseline assessments of the carbon balance (stocks and flows) on the forest and range lands and plans for managing this balance in the future. - Reduce energy, emissions, water, and other environmental footprints. Mitigation & Emissions Management - Develop baseline assessments of the carbon balance (stocks and flows) on the forest and range lands and plans for managing this balance in the future. - Reduce energy, emissions, water, and other environmental footprints. Adaptation - Assess the relative vulnerability of key resources of ecosystem elements to expected impacts of climate change. - Set priorities for adaptation activities for those resources and places that are most vulnerable to climate change impacts. - Test and model adaptive land management techniques. - Monitor impacts, changing conditions, implementation, and effectiveness. Adaptation - Assess the relative vulnerability of key resources of ecosystem elements to expected impacts of climate change. - Set priorities for adaptation activities for those resources and places that are most vulnerable to climate change impacts. - Test and model adaptive land management techniques. - Monitor impacts, changing conditions, implementation, and effectiveness. Organizational Capacity - Expose employees to fundamental information on the implications of climate change. - Designate employee(s) to coordinate and be a resource for climate change questions and issues. - Incorporate climate change adaptation, mitigation, or education into staff program guidance, training, and plans of work. Organizational Capacity - Expose employees to fundamental information on the implications of climate change. - Designate employee(s) to coordinate and be a resource for climate change questions and issues. - Incorporate climate change adaptation, mitigation, or education into staff program guidance, training, and plans of work. Partnerships & Engagement, Conservation Education - Integrate science and management toward climate change solutions. - Work with partners on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and education. Partnerships & Engagement, Conservation Education - Integrate science and management toward climate change solutions. - Work with partners on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and education. FS Response to Climate Change FS Strategic Plan (2010 through 2015) – Lead Efforts to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change
Regional/Partnerships – Monongahela NF Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Central Appalachian Biodiversity Area CASR Initiative Mineral/Energy Issues Upper Shavers Fork
Forest Projects – Monongahela NF Hogback Project Area Chestnut Ridge Prescribed Burn Wildlife Openings
Other Stuff – Monongahela NF Aquatics – monitoring (i.e., water chemistry), road decommissioning Ecology – non-native invasives Engineering – road maintenance Fire – prescribed burns Insects and Diseases – gypsy moth, wooly adelgid West Virginia GIS Conference June 7 – 10, 2010 Huntington, WV Marshall University West Virginia GIS Conference June 7 – 10, 2010 Huntington, WV Marshall University Range allotments Recreation – Trail Plan Silviculture – oak and spruce restoration Timber – sustainable harvests and reforestation Wildlife – Monitoring (osprey, etc), WVNFS, White-nosed Bat Syndrome WV State Forest Assessment