Today, we will answer1 where questions.


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Presentation transcript:

Today, we will answer1 where questions. Learning Objective Name _________________________ Today, we will answer1 where questions. 1 say something when you are asked a question CFU What are we going to do today? What does answer mean? Answer means __________________. Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge Where do you go after school? Where do you go on the weekend? CFU Students, you were asked questions about the places you go. These questions are called where questions. Today, we will answer where questions.

A where question asks about a place or location of something. Concept Development A where question asks about a place or location of something. Examples: Where is the book? Where is the ball? Where does Jimmy live? Not an example of a where question: What is your name? Who is your teacher? When you answer a when question, you answer a question about time. When you answer a where question, you answer a question about a place. CFU Which sentence below is a where question? How do you know? 1. Where is my pencil? 2. What is my phone number? Why is “What is my phone number?” not a where question? Explain your answer.

the stars in the sky. 3. Susie sits on the grass. 4. The Skill Development/Guided Practice A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify2 the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine3 the correct answer. (circle) 2 find 3 figure out 1. At night, Susie goes outside. 2. She likes to look at the stars in the sky. 3. Susie sits on the grass. 4. The stars are very bright4. 4 full of light 25 words 1. Where are the stars? a. The stars are on the grass. b. The stars are in the sky. c. Stars are very bright. 2. Where does Susie sit? a. She sits on a chair. b. Susie likes to look at the stars. c. She sits on the grass. CFU (#1a) How did I/you identify which words to underline?

Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Mom and Mary walk to the beach. 2. They put their feet in the water. 3. They look for shells. 4. They sit on the sand and make sandcastles. 26 words 1. Where do Mom and Mary go? a. They go to the lake. b. Mom and Mary look for shells. c. They go to the beach. 2. Where do Mom and Mary sit? a. They sit on the shells. b. They sit on the sand. c. Mom and Mary sit on a bench. CFU (#1a) How did I/you identify which words to underline?

Relevance A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answering where questions will help you know where a story takes place. 1. We went to the beach. 2. We found seashells in the sand. 3. Then we played in the water. Where did the story take place? Answering where questions will help you tell about where something happened to you. 1. My mom visited my school today. 2. We went to my classroom. 3. I showed her my artwork. CFU Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to answer where questions? (pair-share) Why is it relevant to answer where questions? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why?

food. 3. She eats grass all day. 4. Mary swims in the A where question asks about a place or location of something.   Skill Closure Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Mary is a lamb. 2. She goes to the field to find food. 3. She eats grass all day. 4. Mary swims in the river by the field. 25 words 1. Where does Mary go to find food? a. Mary goes to the field to find food. b. She eats grass all day. c. Mary goes to the river to find food. Constructed Response Closure Jose asked his teacher “What time is recess?” Why is this not a where question? Explain your answer.   Summary Closure What did you learn today about asking where questions?

Independent Practice Name _______________________ A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Grandma was in the kitchen. 2. She was making lunch. 3. Grandma put the sandwiches on the table. 4. Grandma poured us milk to drink. 22 words 1. Where was Grandma? a. She was making lunch. b. She was in the kitchen. c. Grandma was pouring milk. 2. Where did Grandma put the sandwiches? a. The sandwiches are on the plate. b. Grandma poured us milk to drink. c. The sandwiches are on the table.

3. They fly out of the cave at night. 4. Some bats hunt Independent Practice (continued) A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Bats live and sleep in caves1. 2. Bats sleep all day. 3. They fly out of the cave at night. 4. Some bats hunt for bugs in trees. 1 big holes in the side of a mountain or under the ground 25 words 1. Where do bats sleep? a. They sleep in caves. b. Bats sleep in trees. c. Bats fly out of the cave at night. 2. Where do bats hunt for bugs? a. They hunt for bugs in trees. b. They hunt for bugs in caves. c. Bats hunt for bugs while they sleep.

1. Sophie took her dog for a walk. 2. They went to the Periodic Review 1 Name _______________________ A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Sophie took her dog for a walk. 2. They went to the park. 3. They saw lots of other dogs. 4. Sophie’s dog found a bird to chase. 5. Sophie’s dog found a ball next to a tree. 34 words 1. Where did Sophie and her dog go? a. They walked with other dogs. b. They went to the park. c. Sophie and her dog found a bird. 2. Where did Sophie’s dog find the ball? a. He saw lots of other dogs. b. He found it next to a bird. c. He found it next to a tree.

1. John went outside to look for bugs. 2. He saw Periodic Review 1 (continued) A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. John went outside to look for bugs. 2. He saw three butterflies. 3. They were on a tree. 4. He saw red ants, too. 5. John saw a really long worm in the dirt. 30 words 1. Where were the butterflies? a. The butterflies were in the dirt. 2. Where was the worm? a. The worm was with the red ants. b. The worm was in a tree. c. The worm was in the dirt. b. The butterflies were on a tree. c. They were on a flower.

Periodic Review 2 Name _____________________ A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Anna went to the lake with her friends. 2. They went fishing. 3. Anna caught an enormous1 fish! 4. Anna and her friends had lunch in the park. 5. Anna had a great day. 1 very big 30 words 1. Where did Anna go? a. Anna caught an enormous fish. b. She went to school. c. Anna went to the lake. 2. Where did Anna and her friends have lunch? a. They had lunch in the park. b. They ate fish for lunch. c. Anna and her friends had a great day.

1. Juan and his family went to a farm. 2. Juan saw Periodic Review 2 (continued) A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Juan and his family went to a farm. 2. Juan saw chickens and horses. 3. Juan fed corn to the chickens. 4. Juan went to the stable1 to feed the horses. 5. Juan can’t wait to go back to the farm. 1 home for animals 37 words 1. Where did Juan and his family go? a. Juan saw chickens. b. They went to a farm. c. Juan and his family went to the fair. 2. Where did Juan feed the horses? a. Juan fed corn to the chickens. b. Juan fed them in the yard. c. He fed them in the stable.

1. Mario likes weekends. 2. He goes to the mall to get Periodic Review 3 Name _______________________ A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Mario likes weekends. 2. He goes to the mall to get ice cream. 3. He also goes to the zoo with his family. 4. Mario has fun on Saturday and Sunday. 27 words 1. Where does Mario go to get ice cream? a. He stays at home. b. Mario goes to the zoo. c. He goes to the mall. 2. Where does Mario go with his family? a. They go to the zoo. b. They go to the park. c. Mario and his family have fun on weekends.

Periodic Review 3 (continued) A where question asks about a place or location of something. Answer where questions. Step #1: Read the question. a. Identify the words that tell you what to look for. (underline) Step #2: Read the text to find the answer to the question. Step #3: Determine the correct answer. (circle) 1. Benny is a silly dog. 2. Every day, he goes to Main Street to chase cars. 3. Benny also follows the mailman. 4. Benny lives in a blue house. 5. At night, Benny goes home. 31 words 1. Where does Benny go to chase cars? 2. Where does Benny live? a. He lives at the post office. b. Benny lives on Main Street. c. Benny lives in a blue house. a. He goes to the post office. b. He goes to Main Street. c. Benny chases cars at home.

Content Access Strategies EDI – Cognitive, Teaching and English Learners Strategies Learning Objective :Today, we will answer where questions. Cognitive Strategies Teaching Strategies Elaboration Demonstration Targeted vocabulary: answer, identify, determine Language Strategies Vocabulary Words Academic answer, identify, determine Content Support caves, enormous, stable Vocabulary Strategy Multiple-Meaning Synonym Definition Homophone Internal Context Clue Listen, Speak Similar Sounds Read Tracked Reading Decoding Rules Write Writing Content Access Strategies Comprehensible Input Cognates Contextual Clues Graphic Organizer Contextualized Definitions Pictures 15