Michigan High School Graduation Requirements Online Learning Experience October 2006
2 Overview of Michigan Merit Curriculum 2011 Requirements ( th grade class) –4 English Language Arts –4 Mathematics (1 in senior year) –3 Science –3 Social Studies –1 Physical Education/Health –1 Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts –On-line course/experience 2016 Requirements ( rd grade class) –2 credits/experience in Languages other than English
3 Our students face both national and international competition Research shows many students are not prepared to succeed in college or workplace Michigan’s economic success is tied to a well- educated workforce Michigan residents will become lifelong learners Why…Economic Survival
4 Creative problem solvers Effective communicators Flexibility - ability to adapt Students prepared to use technology to work and learn Why…Employers Want
5 What Was MDE’s Charge? Create a set of subject matter content expectations and guidelines that will ensure rigorous learning for all students in high school so as to meet the requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum Convene committees that represent the highest levels of expertise
6 What Was MDE’s Charge? Align expectations to national and international standards Submit work for public and national reviews Publish documents that are useful to teachers, parents, students, and the community –Course quality guidelines –Resources for fulfilling requirement
7 Who Was Involved? Local School Districts, REMCs, ISDs –Principals –Superintendents –Teachers MVU/MVHS Professional Organizations –MACUL –MASA Career & Technical Education Higher Ed
8 Who Was Involved Review Committees Web Review National Review –North American Council for Online Learning
9 OSI Curriculum Protocol
Online Learning Experience Guidelines
11 Online Requirement Guidelines for this learning experience have been developed –Credit or non-credit course or learning experience OR… –District has integrated online learning into each credit area required for graduation
12 Capacity Internet or intranet access Fast, reliable Internet connection, with a minimum of a 56.6 KBps. (broadband recommended) Sound cards and headphones
13 1 st in the Nation Michigan is first state to require an online learning experience Frameworks must be in place to ensure student success –Teacher professional learning –Technology –Quality curriculum
14 Assistive Technology Software that enlarges the image on the screen Alternative keyboards or mouse-type devices Software that reads back to the user (screen readers) Software that lets the user dictate to the computer
15 Definition of Online Learning A structured learning activity that utilizes technology with intranet/internet-based tools and resources as the delivery method for instruction, research, assessment, and communication.
16 3 Ways to Fulfill Requirement Take an online course, or Participate in an online experience, or Participate in online experiences incorporated into each of the required credit courses of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.
17 Delivery Formats Teacher-Led –Course delivery via LMS Blended Instruction –Instruction may include F2F, ITV, Video Conferencing and must have an LMS component Teacher-Facilitated –Instructor motivates, leads, structures the experience Self-Paced –Student is solely responsible for learning and success Tutorial types of online instruction “Teacherless” courses
18 Self-Paced Caveat If the self-paced course is being taken for high school credit it is recommended that this format is not used by schools as a strategy to meet the online learning provision contained in Michigan’s high school graduation requirements.
19 Duration Minimum accumulation of 20 hours in a sustained learning activity.
20 District Obligations Opportunities in place by school year to meet all graduation requirements If not, proposal for phase-in plan
21 Higher Education Local School District Staff ISD and RESA Consultants Career and Technical Educators Special Education and Support Staff Content and Curriculum Consultants Professional Organizations Others Our Partners Collaboration is the Key
22 Find Information on Web Michigan.gov/highschool (with link to HSCE site) Michigan.gov/hsce
23 MDE Contact Information Jeremy M. Hughes, Ph.D. Deputy Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director Office of School Improvement Betty Underwood, Assistant Director Office of School Improvement Barb Fardell, Manager Office of Educ. Technology & Data Coordination