Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройството Глобален екологичен фонд Програма за развитие на ООН Rio Conventions Project 2 nd Advisory Board Meeting 11 November 2009 Sofia
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.1 Training programs Cooperation between Sofia University and CEU Developed training program package -Introductory (1 day) course -Core (10 day) course - Academic (two semesters) course
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.1 Training programs Major topics of the core course Session 1: Intro to SD and Rio Conventions Session 2: Mechanisms and Instruments for GEI integration into RD and SP Session 3: Good Practices for GEI integration in RD and SP Session 4: Impact Assessments in the context of RD and SP Session 5: Information procurement and GIS in the context of RD and SP.
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.1 Training programs Approval of a Master Course by the Academic Board of Sofia University on Integration of Global Environmental Issues in Regional Development and Spatial Planning Beginning:
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.2 Training courses Introductory course – 201 participants so far Core Course – 115 participants so far Academic Course – pending start in Nov, 2009
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.2 Training courses Signing of a MoU between MRDPW, MoEW and UNDP experts from MRDPW 40 experts from MoEW 30 experts from municipalities and DAs
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.2 Training courses Core course: 7 groups Participants: 115 Period: –
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.3 Indicators Assignment “Identify and select suitable indicators for monitoring the impact of “new” regional and spatial planning policies (Aug 2008 – Aug, 2009) -Formation of an interinstitutional expert group -Survey of relevant data sources (NSI, ministries, Eurostat, EEA, etc.) -7 strategic indicators selected -Developed technical passports of the 7 indicators -Developed GIS “passports” for 3 of the indicators
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.3 Indicators №IndicatorCode and Domain 1. Relative share of territories subject to anthropogenic impact (infrastructure, residential areas, industrial sites) BDV05, Biodiversity 2. Share between forest, agricultural and urbanized territories BDV09, Biodiversity 3. Green house gasses emissions (in CO2 equivalent) per capita CLM09, Climate change 4. Expenditures for long-term assets with ecological purpose CMN21, General 5. Expenditures for long-term assets with ecological purpose per capita CMN22, General 6. Share of territories subject to a high erosion risk DST01, Desertification 7. Expenditures for energy effectiveness and renewable energy sources CMN23, General
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.3 Indicators Technical passports content Focal area Context Definition Geographical coverage Temporal coverage Update frequency Sources of information Costs Interpretation of the indicator Advantages and disadvantages Integration with GIS GIS passports content: Hardware equipment Basic software and additional software GIS information layers and databases GIS analytical tool/s Information architecture (data inputs, data processing and outputs) Cost estimation
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.5 Publications Brochure “Partnerships and Networking” Brochure “GIS in Regional Development” CD “Information base of Regional Development “
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 1.5 Publications Brochure “Stimulation of Public Participation in Strategic Planning” Two trainings: 9-10 april 2009, Veliko Turnovo april 2009, Plovdiv
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 2.1 Institutional Changes Job Descriptions Review: 130 job descriptions и 11 directorates, Aug – Nov 2008 Recommendations: -Developed specific recommendations -Development of Information System at MRDPW -Better inter-departamental coordination -Periodic trainings
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 2.1 Institutional Changes Development of methodology for MRDPW assessment of own contribution -Selected 20 projects for a total of 20.6 euro: 3 Phare projects 2 ISPA projects 15 OPRD projects
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 2.1 Institutional Changes Interreg IV C Regions for Sustainable Change Project Participant: MRDPW Selected pilot in Bulgaira: Southwestern Planning Region
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Result 2.2 Project Management Midterm evaluation of the project Period of the working visit of the consultants team: Recommendations: -Institutionalization of results -Exit Strategy -Regional Seminar
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project Budget Completion ResultsSPENT 2006 PLANNED 2007SPENT 2007 PLANNED 2008SPENT 2008 PLANNED 2009 EXPECTED DELIVERY IN 2009 PLANNED 2010 EXPECTED DELIVERY IN 2010 RESULT RESULT RESULT TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET GEF COMPONENT499,000 EXPECTED DELIVERY BY г.:399,950 DIFFERENCE TO BE SPENT IN 2010 г.:99,050
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project FORTHCOMING ACTIVITIES IN 2010 Last group from the Core Training Course (Suggested period: Feb-March 2010) Best practices publication on the project Development of a pilot GIS for MRDPW Final Project Meeting Final Project Evaluation
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process Project THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Address: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Kiril i Metodii str.; fl. 6; room 601A Sofia 1202, Bulgaria Phone/Fax: (+359 2)