Redesigning General Psychology Using the Buffet Model - Flexibility for students - Use of technology - Faculty collaboration - Student learning outcomes - Cost savings and other benefits - Continuous improvement Username: seagle. Student Password: student Scroll down to PY101_dseagle_omast - PY101 General Psychology Online MasterPY101_dseagle_omast - PY101 General Psychology Online Master
Flexibility for Students Online and hybrid classes Class attendance Assignment due dates and testing dates Use of Technology Desire to Learn - Online learning objectives, key terms, discussions, quizzes, writing assignments, and exams WileyPlus - Online textbook, videos, animations, flashcards, practice tests, and quizzes,
Faculty Collaboration The process –Frequent meetings –Formal and informal meeting What makes it work? –Maintaining academic freedom –The individual is subsumed to the whole –Candor –Climate of innovation –Willingness to negotiate –Use of humor –Ability to handle criticism
Student Learning Outcomes Pretest Posttest – out of 50 points-means as of 5-07 Traditional Redesigned Retention- C or better as final grade - means as of 5-07 Traditional 63% Redesign 49% Retention Increases Course Completion - took the final Fall %62% Fall % Fall % Fall %68%
Cost Reduction and other Benefits Reduced printing costs Reduced labor costs Cost per student is reduced from $130 to $42 Cost per semester is reduced from $67,000 to $25,311 Redesign of other courses Reduced number of classroom hours from 45 a week to 12