“Psalms,” The Gutenberg Bible Volume 1 Folio 298r (vellum) The British Library
Richard Lanham The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts “What happens when text moves from page to screen? “First, the digital text becomes unfixed and interactive. The reader can change it, become writer.”
“Does a technology’s ideology determine, or at least influence, a culture?” Siva Vaidhyanathan The Anarchist in the Library
Evolving Digital Vocabularies
Making it Real: Learning with ePortfolio in a Digital Age Bret Eynon & J. Elizabeth Clark LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
AAC&U’s Project VALUE ePAC: ePortfolio Action & Communication Inter/National Coalition for ePortfolio Research AAEEBL International Conference, July 2010 A Global Reach: Europe, Oceania, Latin America
Current ePortfolio Typologies Career & Credential ePortfolios Assessment ePortfolios Course ePortfolios Learning ePortfolios Integrative ePortfolios
ePortfolio as Social Pedagogy Collaborative Integrative Interactive Recursive Embodied Adaptive
30 campus teams: 15 CUNY,15 non- CUNY, 10 Community College, 20 BA and Graduate programs FIPSE-funded Mini-Grant & Seminar Program Sustained prof’l learning community: campus teams plan and implement ePortfolio
CUNY 2 Yr College 15,000 credit students (+ 35,000 non-credit) Dizzying diversity: 70% non-native born, from 160 nations, 119 primary languages Majority female, low income, first generation college-goers City of the World 2/3 non-native English speakers 80-90% must take developmental skills
A Learning Faculty Outcomes Assessment via Periodic Program Reviews Nuanced assessment Real student work and faculty-developed rubrics Measure growth over time, across disciplines
Close the Loop Mini grants help programs address key needs identified by assessment Shared examination of student learning builds shared responsibility for student success A Learning College From: Beyond Crossroads Live Beyond Crossroads Live
LaGuardia’s Integrative Strategy Enrich Student Learning: Student engagement: reflective, motivated learners Integrative Pedagogy Link across semesters Connect classroom & lived experience eResume for Career Assessment: College-wide focus on learning. Faculty-led, using authentic classroom work
LaGuardia Rigorous faculty development Pervasive element of classroom pedagogy Built into General Education and disciplinary curricula Visible linkages between teaching and assessment Technology support from IT staff and student mentors College-wide leadership A Whole College Project
The Challenge of Integration “Fostering students' abilities to integrate learning--over time, across courses, and between academic, personal, and community life--is one of the most important goals and challenges of higher education. “The undergraduate experience is often a fragmented landscape of general education, concentration, electives, co-curricular activities, and, for many students "the real world" beyond campus. An emphasis on integrative learning can help undergraduates find ways to put the pieces together and develop habits of mind that will prepare them to make informed judgments in the conduct of personal, professional, and civic life.”
ePortfolio & Integrative Learning Helps students to: Examine links across courses, disciplines & semesters Consider growth and change over time
ePortfolio & Integrative Learning Link academic & lived experiences Develop new sense of self as learners & emerging professionals Prepare to present to employers and 4 year schools
Connecting through ePortfolio Student Faculty External Audiences Across Disciplines Across Semesters Academic Curriculum Lived Curriculum
The Evolution of Student ePortfolios Mature, capstone ePortfolios that contextualize learning in a major, connect courses and personal interests, and integrate learning across the curriculum. Limited course-focused ePortfolios in a single set of courses in learning communities that set a context for basic skills learning or for initial, college-level work.
A Digital Archive Becomes an ePortfolio
A First Course Experience: Becomes a Basic ePortfolio
Becomes a Multi-Semester Record of Student Learning, Artifacts & Reflections
“What we ask students to do is who we ask students to be.” ~ Kathleen Blake Yancey Becomes A Capstone ePortfolio
Raju Maharjan’s Capstone ePortfolio
Learning From Others
Making Connections: “The characteristic of artistic design is the intimacy of relations that hold the parts together.” John Dewey: Art and Experience Student Learning Spaces: Cornerstone Integrative Learning Projects
“Songs of our Fathers” Illustrative Outcome by a Freshman Composition Student
“Memories of My Mother” Illustrative Outcome by a Freshman Composition Student
Interdisciplinary Wiki
Acting-Student’s Collaboration with A Freshman-Composition Student’s Essay “Ghetto Home World”
Student Reflection: Actively Making Connections Integrative Pedagogy: Guiding & Prompting Reflection Intentional Curricular Design Integrative Institutional Structures Connected Learning
Lessons Learned Integrative Approaches: enrich ePortfolio’s value Value the Visual: build ownership & engagement by crafting digital identity Collaboration & Exchange: make ePortfolio a site for reflective conversation Assessment: as a faculty learning & research effort Support Learning: persistent & creative search for resources, structures & new technologies Whole College Strategies: mobilize students, faculty & staff to build integrated learning structures
Questions and Answers We will be available during the round table discussions today, and later, from 5-6:00 p.m. at the hotel bar for small group discussions about our work. Looking forward to talking with you!