ERMA Environmental Response Management Application
Purpose ERMA® is a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) tool Designed to assist both emergency responders and environmental resource managers who deal with incidents that may adversely impact the environment
Development Facilitated and funded by the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC)Coastal Response Research Center Partnership between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)University of New Hampshire Office of Response and Restoration
What Can Be Displayed? Real-time observations and monitoring data Observation buoys: What is being collected? Re-direct to the data source
What Can Be Displayed? Data links to documents and websites Restoration Project Summary PDFs Websites
What Can Be Displayed? Field data & georeferenced photos International Coastal Clean-up Surveys Specific data marine debris items Photos collected during survey
ERMA Prototype Developed for the Portsmouth, NH region in 2008 The data sets contained within the Portsmouth Harbor ERMA were identified by the local and regional response community
Other ERMA Sites Caribbean ERMA was developed in the fall of 2009 ERMA® in the Gulf with Deepwater Horizon Spill, 2010
Future ERMA Sites Broader New England site based off the Portsmouth pilot Puget Sound site focusing on climate change Pacific Island Arctic area sites