© Slow Food USA | April 29,
2 Featuring a guest interview with Farmer Kim Aman of Moss Haven Elementary School in Dallas, TX July 2015 School Garden Webinar: Chickens & School Gardens
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Housekeeping Please mute your phone or computer microphone! To make a comment or ask a question, please use the chat function To download Slow Food USA resources: check out gardens.slowfoodusa.org gardens.slowfoodusa.org This webinar will be recorded and available on the Slow Food USA school garden website:
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Can you tell us about the vision behind Moss Haven Farm? What inspired you to get chickens? Vision & Inspiration
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Did you create a chicken committee? What kinds of meetings, presentations, or processes did you go through? Who did you have to discuss with? (Administration, facilities, etc.) What role did community partners play? The Chicken Process
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Are the chickens accepted by the rest of the school community? Did any administrators, parents or neighbors object? Fit with the school & community
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Was it expensive to implement? How did you fundraise? How did you decide your coop style/type? Did you consider a mobile chicken coop? How did you choose the location of the coop? Which breeds did you choose and why? Is there automatic feeding and watering? Who takes care of the chickens during the summer? How are the eggs used? (home, sales, cafeteria etc.) Logistics and Coop Design
© Slow Food USA | April 29, How are the kids involved (e.g. cleaning/maintenance, feeding, eggs)? During or before/after the school day? Extracurricular club? What kind of education/lesson planning is involved with the chickens? Involving teachers, curriculum and academic standards? Did you successfully get teacher buy-in? Student & Teacher Involvement
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Are there any issues with food safety or hygiene? What protocols/process es were necessary? Who did you partner with to write the protocols? What happens if a chicken gets sick? Food Safety & Hygiene
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Most important take-aways from your chicken journey Best resources you tapped into Last pieces of advice would you give schools looking to get their own chickens? Best Practices & Advice
© Slow Food USA | April 29, Contact us: Farmer Kim Aman Moss Haven Elementary, Dallas, TX Slow Food USA School Garden Team: (718) Andrew Nowak, Program Director: (ext. 128) Lauren Howe, Program Manager: (ext. 129) gardens.slowfoodusa.org Q+A and Thank You