Prioritize Contaminated Sites With a Known Release and a Pathway That Poses the Greatest Threat of Exposure Pathways to surface water Freshwater wetlands, rivers, lakes Coastal marine, estuaries, inter-tidal wetlands Pathways to air Indoor residential Other Pathways to groundwater Large potable drinking waster sources Other Advantages/Disadvantages Risk-based approach that addresses both human health and ecological risks Non-specific ranking approach Other Considerations State input Public Input Sensitive or economically important ecosystems
Typical Industry-Sector Chemicals Mining – heavy metals Petroleum – hydrocarbons Manufacturing – heavy metals, solvents Energy – heavy metals, hydrocarbons, solvents Transport – hydrocarbons, solvents Agriculture – pesticides, organic wastes Landfill – metals, solvents, pesticides Look for patterns: Chemical types and concentrations, Fate and transport behavior, Similarities landscape Creating industry-sector groupings maximizes opportunity to create templates/programs: assessments, presumptive remedies Advantages/disadvantages: Potential misses, but typically small risk Expedite progress, thus overall prevents risks Saves resources by being more effective Manage Remediation Based On Industry Sector Chemicals There are a lot of chemicals: Decide which ones are at levels that pose a concern
Petroleum Refineries, Chemical-processing, Manufacturing Above and Underground Storage Tanks Federal/state owners/operators Oil production Airports Railroads Harbors Mining Heavy metals Erosion control Manage Remediation Based on Industry-Sector Create sub-lists based on patterns of Behavior or Industry Sector Activity Interim listing: Place a facility on notice if there is a potential concern based on exposure pathways and chemicals being used Final listing: List a facility if you obtain information that affirms your concern
Promote Early Risk Reduction and Site Stabilization at All Contaminated Sites Immediate (Emergency) Response Chemical or oil spills Other chemical releases Near-term Risk Reduction-Stabilization Measures Provide alternative drinking water Place a secure barrier Remove wastes posing the highest risks Permanently or temporarily move people Begin working on long-term cleanup remedy, concurrently or after risk reduction or stabilization is done
Promote Early Risk Reduction and Site Stabilization at All Contaminated Sites Early risk reduction and site stabilization measures Expedite management of “glaring” risks. Government has more flexibility to make decisions. Long-term Remedial Actions Require a base-line risk assessment and an assessment of how the proposed remedies reduce or eliminate risk based on a variety of criteria. Requires greater investment of resources to formulate and implement, often requiring long-term monitoring. Requires a more formal decision-making process Consider land-end use and promote land revitalization
Border 2012 Program Binational Guidance on Contaminated Site Clean-up and Revitalization Process for Cleanup and Revitalization: Establish objectives and a decision-making framework; Consider interim and final cleanup needs; Optimize reuse through economic incentives and legal protections for redevelopment; Provide for early and meaningful public participation. Waste Policy Forum – draft final work in progress
Promote Early Risk Reduction & Site Stabilization Actions SEMARNAT is Already Using This Risk Management Approach Metales y Derivados Lead battery recycling smelter US owner, operated , abandoned ,000 tons lead- waste Industrial zone