How do learner’s learn?
Learning styles quiz? Complete the learning styles quiz sheet Put a tick in the box which best matches you
Learning styles answers Mark your answers by putting the appropriate letter V, A or K Mostly V – visual learners Mostly A – auditory learner Mostly K - Kinaesthetic
Visual learning style Visual learners: – Use images, pictures, colours and maps to organise information and communicate with others – They can visualise objects, plans and outcomes in their mind’s eye – Have good spatial sense and have a good sense of direction – Like drawing, doodling especially with colours
Auditory learning styles Auditory learners: – Like to work with sound and music – Good sense of pitch and rhythm – Play a musical instrument – Certain music invokes strong emotions
Kinaesthetic learning styles Kinaesthetic learners: – Use your body and sense of touch to learn about the world – Think out issues, ideas and problems – Like getting their hands dirty – making models, jigsaws – Expressive body language to communicate – The ‘fidgety’ student
Task For a lesson you taught recently or you observed recently describe how different learning styles were catered for
Task For each of the following learning styles: – Visual – Auditory – Kinaesthetic Make a list of 5 different activities which would suit the learning styles
Task Depending on the structure of your SOW – Identify opportunities where different learning styles could be incorporated – OR – If already identified, take a different approach and add in some different strategies
Who is this man?
Multiple intelligences
To sum up….. You will never be able to plan a lesson which caters to the multitude of ways that a child learns However, through well-planned and thought out schemes of work it is possible to cater for a wide range This is important as it will increase intrinsic motivation and ultimately improve student outcomes