Planning for individual need in English PGCE English Semester 2 week 5
Where can I find PNS units for English? iteracy-framework iteracy-framework p?category_id=280 p?category_id=280
Planning from a PNS Unit PNS units for English will give you: A theme and text type to work with Objectives and outcomes related to the relevant year group and appropriate to the theme A unit overview A teaching sequence divided in to phases which are of varying lengths They are useful but take care to identify a manageable number of appropriate objectives when using them. The units tend to suggest something of a shopping list.
An EAL learner who is new to English Makes contact with another child in the class. Joins in activities with other children, but may not speak. Uses non-verbal gestures to indicate meaning- particularly needs, likes and dislikes. Watches carefully what other children are doing, and often imitates them. Listens carefully and often ‘echoes’ words and phrases of other children and adults. Needs opportunities for listening to the sounds, rhythms and tunes of English through songs, rhymes, stories and conversations. If young may join in repeating refrain of a story. Beginning to label objects in the classroom, and personal things. Beginning to put words together in to holistic phrases (e.g. no come here, where find it, no eating that). May be involved in classroom learning activities in the first language with children who speak the same first language. May choose to use first language only in most contexts. May be willing to write in the first language (if s/he can/ this is age appropriate), and if invited to. May be reticent with unknown adults. May be very aware of negative attitudes by peer group to the first language. May choose to move into English through story and reading, rather than speaking. Stage 1 of the Hilary Hester Stages of English Learning ( CLPE,1990)
Things to consider in planning for EAL learners Plenty of time to observe and listen and to be silent Time to rehearse and learn unfamiliar vocabulary Visual cues (pictures and props) to support understanding To see, hear and say words in context To hear spoken English modelled well To have the conventions of written English taught explicitly Support during reading/writing with print direction, sounds for decoding and spelling, explanation of new and unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts To have learning embedded in a clear and familiar context To be challenged and motivated to learn in ways appropriate to their attainment levels (other than those related just to English language use) Active learning strategies such as talk pairs and role play with articulate English speaking peers using clearly defined tasks Opportunities to use first language (particularly while still young and not yet fully developed in use of first language) To feel secure and able to take risks with using new language
Things to consider in planning for children with specific literacy difficulties Make learning visual Make learning auditory Make learning tactile & kinaesthetic Give the big picture & make links Make the learning journey explicit Develop meta-cognition Present material in small, logical chunks Provide opportunities for over-learning Model effective organization Different ways to show ‘you know’ Use ‘story’ as a lesson structure