Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Canada Northern Oil and Gas Research Forum Developing data and information sharing: Using existing data hubs to increase data sharing, and assessing the needs of communities, researchers, managers.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Foreword The Joint Secretariat and Inuvialuit Regional Corporation are initiating project work that will build upon existing territorial, national, and international initiatives for the improvement of information flow and accessibility. The work intends to collaborate with developers of GIS applications for the region and realise application development for Inuvialuit organizations and operations
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Main Benefits Bring the academic practices of GIS and mapping to the local level- Inuvialuit communities- in order to promote knowledge production, improve both local and regional “geographic awareness,” and strengthen Inuvialuit participation in decision making.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Brief Background Signing of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement on June 5, 1984, between the Government of Canada and the Inuvialuit - Inuit of Canada's Western Arctic. Inuvialuit Final Agreement - the basic goals of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) as expressed by the Inuvialuit and recognized by Canada are to: Preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values within a changing northern society.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Brief Background Enable Inuvialuit to be equal and meaningful participants in the northern and national economy and society. Protect and preserve the Arctic wildlife, environment and biological productivity. The IFA provided financial compensation and ownership of 91,000 square kilometres (35,000 square miles) of land including 13,000 square kilometres (5,000 square miles) with subsurface rights to oil, gas and minerals.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Brief Background The Inuvialuit Settlement Region spans approximately 1 million km 2 (350,000 sq miles) ISR relative to Canada ISR Private LandsISR Private Lands- small scale ISR Lands- ISR Lands- large scale
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Brief Background Joint Secretariat (JS) The JS was established in 1986 to provide technical and administrative support to four co-management bodies as well as to the Inuvialuit Game Council (IGC): Wildlife Management Advisory Council NWT, Fisheries Joint Management Committee, Environmental Impact Screening Committee, and Environmental Impact Review Board. The Inuvialuit and the governments of Canada, the NWT and the Yukon share equally in the management responsibilities in the ISR and designate or appoint members to each co-management body, as specified in the IFA.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Brief Background Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) IRC was established with the overall responsibility of managing the affairs of the Settlement as outlined in the IFA. Its mandate is to continually improve the economic, social and cultural well-being of the Inuvialuit through implementation of the IFA and by all other available means.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Project work background summary This May a Department of Fisheries and Oceans sponsored report was completed, in part reviewing potential platforms for a web based GIS application. The IRC and JS made recommendations for the sponsorship and possible adoption of the Environment Canada Northern Data Discovery GeoPortal and NOAA's Arctic ERMA (Environmental Response Management Application)
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Project work background summary In September the IRC and JS submitted a proposal to advance and integrate a Government of Northwest Territories and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada GIS initiative for the mapping of permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta region. This initiative would be led by the JS/IRC and advanced together with the GNWT, AANDC, and EC. Initial integration would utilise and build upon the EC Portal application.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Project objectives Integrate various Western Arctic GIS application initiatives (EC Northern Portal, Arctic ERMA, GNWT Decision Maker’s Atlas) for the extension and customised development of these applications for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.Northern PortalArctic ERMA Integrate the ISR Atlas into the business operations of Inuvialuit organisations to assist local initiatives such as Inuvialuit traditional knowledge research, climate change adaptation, environmental impact screening and review, oil spill preparedness, and cumulative effects analysis.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Preparing for development and deployment The project has plans to complete a literature review and data catalogue for Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge; a series of meetings with identified primary application users; a subsequent report describing user needs for the ISR Atlas application, technical requirements for its custom design, and operational plans for its effective deployment and ongoing usage.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Project steps 1.Complete a report that details results for the literature review and cataloguing for Inuvialuit TK, results for primary user meetings, along with plans for the custom development and deployment of the Atlas application for each identified core user group; 2. Custom develop a beta version of the ISR Atlas application for individual user groups, develop available datasets, and populate the application with all primary data;
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Project steps 3. Test the application with the primary user groups, and summarise the test results in preparation for the modification and development of a final operational version of the application; 4. Deploy and provide ongoing instruction for the operation of the new ISR Atlas application; and, 5. Extend and advance development of the application to accommodate additional and more sophisticated data layers.
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Identified application design and development priorities and challenges Clearly identify and communicate benefits to user groups and sponsors Custom design to meet varied user business needs, data access and analysis features (e.g. custom extensions, layer types and groups) for different Inuvialuit organisations and user groups Ensuring limited technical skill requirement for its operation
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Interpret, illustrate, and incorporate complex and specialised Inuvialuit TK and scientific knowledge Secure and limit access to sensitive Inuvialuit TK and scientific knowledge Ensure remote and reliable access from all Inuvialuit communities Identified application design and development priorities and challenges
Joint Secretariat / Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Thank You