Review homework on GIS Posters. In pairs can you think of 3 factors that will cause the climate to change? Definition of Climate: the long term average of the weather, usually over 30 years, for a large region.
Local and Global Causes of Current Climate Change To be able to understand causes of climate change.
1) To be able to describe climate change since the last Ice Age. 2) To understand External and Internal factors which affect climate. 3) To apply current causes of climate change with detail to local and global scales.
To be able to describe climate change since the last Ice Age. Use the graph below to HOLT describe the changes. You must refer to axis data and the period names.
To be able to describe climate change since the last Ice Age. Add these annotations to the correct sections of the graph on the next page. Indicate your HOLT sentences. Temperature has increased by 6 o C since the last Ice Age. The temperature is predicted to increase more rapidly in the future. The Little Ice Age was where the temperatures were below the long- term average for 600 years. This was a period of rapid rise (put the year data in the sentence). There have been several periods of fluctuation. Refer to some axis data in each sentence.
Temperature has increased by 6 o C since the last Ice Age. This was a period of rapid rise (put the year data in the sentence). The Little Ice Age was where the temperatures were below the long- term average for 600 years. There have been several periods of fluctuation. The temperature is predicted to increase more rapidly in the future. What data could we add to each box?
To understand External and Internal factors which affect climate. Arrange then copy these definitions. EXTERNAL FACTOR A CHANGE THE HAPPENS BECAUSE OF THINGS OUTSIDE THE EARTH. INTERNAL FACTOR A CHANGE THE HAPPENS INSIDE THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE.
To understand External and Internal factors which affect climate. Watch the following clip and list any external and internal factors of climate change are shown.
To understand External and Internal factors which affect climate. Order one from each of the following – Factor + Detail + Diagram. Remember to also state if it is External or Internal.
SURFACE REFLECTION VOLCANIC ACTIVITY ORBITAL GEOMETRY CHANGE IN ATMOS. GAS SOLAR OUTPUT TECTONIC ACTIVITY ORBITAL GEOMETRY Large amounts of sulphur dioxide and ash reduce solar radiation reaching the surface. E.g Mt. Tambora. The Earth’s tilt changes from 21.5 o (less extreme) to 24.5 o (even hotter summers, even colder winters) every years. Movement of the continents affects atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Large amounts of sulphur dioxide and ash reduce solar radiation reaching the surface. E.g Mt Tambora. More carbon dioxide increases the greenhouse effect which makes the Earth 15 o C. Otherwise we’d be -18 o C. Variation from circular (colder) to elliptical (warmer) every years. More ice reflects more solar radiation so temperature drops leading to more ice. Then vice versa. See the teacher’s diagrams on the board and use the Greenhouse Effect Diagram on the next slide.
To apply current causes of climate change with detail to local and global scales. Read pages 15 and 16 and list the global causes and local causes with specific detail.
Click the image to watch a clip about Global warming. We are mostly interested in the Greenhouse effect. Take some crucial notes.
What do you understand from this mnemonic about climate change factors? C A T I S S O X Now complete and mark the exam question