Three Basics Provided by Ag Food Fiber/Clothes Leather, Cotton, Wool, Fur, Cashmere Shelter Lumber
What do we call the places that grow or raise these basics? Farms Any place that sells at least $1000 of raw agriculture products in a normal year 78,000 farms in WI
WI Farms Produce $12 billion dollars of ag products How many years would it take you to count $12 billion if you could count $1/second without ever taking a break? 12,000,000,000 seconds/60 seconds 200,000,000 minutes/60 minutes 3,333,333 hours/24 hours 138,888 days/365 days 380 years
WI Ag Products & Ranking 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Cherries Sweet corn Butter Chickens Cattle Potatoes Maple Syrup Cheese Mint for oil Onions
WI Ag Products & Ranking Chickens – 18 th Onions – 12 th Cattle – 9 th Maple Syrup – 8 th Cherries – 6 th Mint for oil – 5 th Sweet corn – 4 th Potatoes – 3 rd Butter – 2 nd Cheese – 1 st
Agriculture Careers Brainstorm agriculture businesses in this area Over 400 different careers in agriculture Number of Ag job openings in the next 3- 5 years 54,400 Number of qualified graduates with Ag degree 29,300 Ag Career Activity
WI Ag Colleges NWTC FVTC UW-River Falls UW-Platteville UW-Madison
Other Activities How well do you know WI agriculture worksheet America’s Dairyland video