Presentation of results
Challenges How can we use new media or social network in the field of adult education in the context of lifelong learning? What are the needs of a learning platform or a learning enviroment in a social network? What are the needs for the structure and organisation of such a learning enviroment? What are the needs to run a evaluation and documentation about the outcome of the learning process?
Activities and Tools Different internet platforms for internal and external dissemination were tested Workshops and discussions at meetings Digital documentaries by videos and photographs Evaluation and analysing by using surveys
Used platforms Huddle – internet storage and team management Facebook – social network Google docs – internet storage and working area Cytrix webinar – realtime learning enviroment Busuu – language learning platform and social network
Workshops New Media – Challenges and perspectives in lifelong learning Social networks – measuring of results Campus Radio – a visual web radio cooperation Maritime cross media Cytrix webinar – realtime learning enviroment Resume – challenge, risks and outcomes
Results New Media forces learners and teachers in ITC knowlegde Different platforms and social networks will challenge the users to improve their knowledge and change their learning attitudes There is a need to implement links between platforms which are specialised in terms of usage and medias Different learning targets will need different inviroments tools and disseminations Documentation has to be done about the development and the results of the learning processes There must be the possibility to connect the platforms with a teamer area in the role as administrators
Overview and resume Educational processes changed and will further change with technical developements This causes a challenge for all participants of education processes New tools and technics are already implementated in education There will be a change of the culture of education and education of cullture There is a need to think about the design of the learning platforms There is a need to improve the overall ITC knowledge There is a need to set up tools to improve the interest and effects
Overview and resume Linking platforms will force a lot of problems in terms of data security, sensitivity and ITC knowledge Different hardware systems will cause further problems but also further perspectives Everybody should be able to participate The content of learning could be part of the outcome or the product itself The content of learning should be delivered within the European context and represent the European dimensions
Overview and resume All participants learned a lot in terms of intercultural knowledge as well as technical and creative knowledge The ITC knowlegde and the experiences with several internet platforms was a main issue and was noticed as an effort from all partners For some partners it was the first experience in this working area in an European context The European perspective opens up the mind and is worth to go for The Learning Partnership has developed a lot of different ideas which had influenced and will further influence the daily work of every partner
Future tasks The partners want to develope further partnerships and projects The aims of further Projects should be defined better or more specific There are different working areas in discussion One interesting theme is about the complexity and new developements inbehalfs of internet as broadcasts channels One task could be to find easy going ways to combine the complexity of new media and social networks for the consumer
Thank you very much