Low Carbon South Gloucestershire: RENEWABLE ENERGY PARTNERSHIPS Cheryl Hiles, Director,
Why renewable energy? Why community partnerships? Pounds, Power & Politics
South Gloucestershire’s electricity economy 5 1,200 GWh per year from nuclear and fossil fuels 16 GWh per year from RE £175m 650,000 tC0 2 £’s
Not for profit community energy company working in partnership with local community energy groups A commercially fundable social enterprise business model that enables: o £20k - £30k/MW/year community fund income (4 – 6 x the community fund income offered by the leading commercial wind developers) o opportunities for local people to invest and where possible buy the electricity generated £’s
Resources, policies, plans & smart solutions
Shift towards community led schemes Developer led model Community business models Ownership and risk
Our Community Support Programme Tools & guidance: Events to meet industry partners, Bournemouth REM 25 th June 2013 Updates on policy & finance, quarterly e-bulletin & updates Shape & sign up to our consultation responses Case studies & good news stories Community support programme: GIS resource maps & site assessments Business model options Partnership and Local Authority liaison Workshops & presentations Media strategies and political momentum Community Energy Champion training and support Demonstrate by doing: Develop a wind or solar energy site with Communities for Renewables Community Interest Company, using social investment. Partner to deliver: understand the range of options and meet industry partners who could help you achieve your ambitions.
Community Energy Coalition DECC Call for Evidence Community Energy Strategy Community Energy Campaign ‘Regen SW, I congratulate you on your excellent work to develop the renewable energy sector and the inspiring projects you are leading.' Edward Davey MP, Secretary of State Energy and Climate Change, DECC......Pounds, Power & Politics......
Cheryl Hiles, Director of Regen SW & Communities for Renewables